Covid: mandatory masks even outdoors in Calabria – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – CATANZARO, SEPT 25 – The mandatory mask for the whole day is back in Calabria. The president of the Region Jole Santelli has signed a new ordinance that “for the prevention and management of the Covid-19 emergency” establishes the obligation to use the mask also outdoors for all citizens, excluding children under 6 years of age and people with disabilities not compatible with the use of the protection device. The ordinance is valid until October 7. For offenders, penalties ranging from 400 to 1,000 euros are foreseen.

Those under the age of six and people with disabilities incompatible with the continued use of the mask, “or those who interact with the aforementioned and people during the individual exercise of motor activity and / or” are exempt from the obligation. or sports “.

The order also ratifies “the absolute prohibition of collection, compliance with interpersonal distancing measures and preventive hygiene measures; it is willing to modify the provisions of” a previous ordinance “, for all economic and productive aspects and for public and open offices to the public, the obligation to measure the body temperature of employees and users, preventing access in cases where a temperature above 37.5 ° C is detected and communicating the circumstance to the Prevention Department of the ASP with territorial jurisdiction by emerging obligations. ”(TAKE CARE OF).