Milan, November 22, 2020 – The Lombardy approaches to become orange zone. Will he make it before December 3? For confirmation we will have to wait until Friday, November 27, date decided by the order signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza for the maintenance of the most rigid anti-contagion measures. The situation in the current red zone is indeed in improvementor, so much so that the data would already be comparable to those of the regions of the orange band. The spread of the virus stopped growing exponentially, following instead aun linear trend. An encouraging sign, even if the goal is to start walking there. offspring of this second pandemic wave. For the time being, however, the highly restrictive containment measures adopted in recent weeks remain valid.: possibility of traveling only for work, health or need reasons by submitting a self-declaration, closing of commercial activities except food stores, pharmacies, parapharmacies, kiosks, tobacconists, hairdressers and other activities listed in the last Dpcm. Bars and restaurants only sell takeout or home delivery, while in schools the lessons continue with distance education, with the exception of those enrolled in kindergartens, kindergartens, primary schools and first year of secondary school.
It will also be prohibited to leave the municipality itself., if not for reasons of work, education, health or necessity, but within its territory it will be possible to move freely from 5 to 22 without self-certification. After the curfew limit, it is possible to leave the house only for specific needs and with self-certification. Recommended remote work, When it is possible. It is strongly recommended not to invite people who do not live together to your home.
Shops and bars
In commercial area, all activities will bring reopen midweek without limitations, maintaining the usual respect for interpersonal distances of at least one meter, staggered accesses and frequent cleaning of the premises and exhibition spaces. On the other hand, the stores within the shopping centers will remain closed on holidays and before holidays, with the exception of pharmacies and parapharmacies, health centers, food points, tobacconists and kiosks. The rules for bars and restaurants do not change., to what remains it is only allowed to take away and deliver home.
Gyms, swimming pools and sports
The activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers and spas remain suspended, with the exception of rehabilitation and training activities for athletes. You can train or exercise outdoors individually. Is allowed attend public and private sports clubs and centers, from its own Municipality or, in the absence of said structures, in neighboring Municipalities, to carry out basic sports activities in the open air, complying with the rules of social distancing and without creating gatherings.
Museums and events
Confirmed museum closure and the prohibition of organizing events open to the public.
In front of the school, second and third grade students may return to take lessons in class, except different indication of the governors, while the students of the secondary schools will continue with distance learning. In universities, the only activities that can be carried out in person are those related to the first year of studies and laboratories.
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