Milan, November 12, 2020 – Stay high the alert in Lombardy, the region most affected by Covid-19. Yesterday, after touching 11 thousand infections on Tuesday, encouraging data: in 24 hours they registered 8,180 almost compared to 52,712 swabs (in total 3,377,673). The ratio between positives and swabs is clearly improving, below 23.2% 15.5% in 24 hours. Flashes of light in the general framework that, however, still present many shadows: the death toll has increased (152 in a single day) while I hospitalized In intensive care have risen a 764 (+56) me those in other departments a 6,907 (+225). Therefore, in the face of some timid signs of improvement, the situation remains very critical, particularly with regard to the pressure on hospitals. “As a health response, despite being under great pressure, we can respond to all requests for help. It is clear that we have to make sure that these the line of infections is reduced“said the governor of the Lombardy Region, Attilio fontana, connected with Rtl. “Compared to the rest of the country – adds the governor – we have a little advantage, on October 21 the Lombardy Region issued a first ordinance, which caused a bit of controversy but is yielding some small but significant results. We hope that this ordinance and then government intervention will be able to lower the contagion line ”.
Milan: the contagion rate is reduced
Meanwhile, good news arrives Milan, the toughest front of the second wave along with Monza Brianza, Como and Varese. “L’Rt in Milan today it was around 1.25. With the lockdown, the “Covid-19 contagion rate” is decreasing day by day and has almost halved compared to the peak time, “said the director general of the Metropolitan City of Milan Ats. Walter Bergamaschi. The Metropolitan City was still yesterday the most affected area with 3,148 almost, 1,149 of which in the capital city (less than the day before). The second is that of How with 958, followed by Varese with 943 and Monza and Brianza with 854.
“Closing for Christmas? I hope not”
A Natale locked up? “I really hope not, but I am convinced that things will calm down, “he said. Attilio fontana, during a live broadcast on Rtl 102.5. “I do a appeal to citizens: behaving in compliance with the regulations, not meeting, doing what you have to do otherwise even Christmas runs the risk of having problems “, added the president. For number one at Palazzo Lombardia” there is a little more than fatigue among people “compared to March. “I – says the president of the Lombardy Region – I have been saying since this summer that we must find a Balance because we have to live with the virus, at least until the vaccine, trying to implement precautions that allow an almost normal economic life ”.
“There is more fatigue among the people”
The economic emergency is close to the health emergency, but “the third emergency is the psychological condition of the people.” Fontana is aware that “at this moment there is a little more fatigue than in March, when there was more desire to react. Unfortunately today it has decreased because the period is long, the the return of the virus has left its marksNow, “we must commit to order refreshments for all activities that are suffering extremely serious damage to safeguard public health. As a Region, we have resources for investments and we are scraping the barrel: soon – he adds – we should be able to issue a provision to lend a hand to those categories that we have touched with our ordinance. You have to balance and try to give a hand to those who suffer. “
“Vaccines for all protected groups”
Regarding the campaign anti-flu Fontana reiterated that “all protected groups will be vaccinated“Yesterday, on this topic, Walter Ricciardi, spoke of” delays “in Lombardy in the purchase of vaccines (” they are not even enough for the vulnerable “). The vaccination campaign” and that “we have bought 80% more than vaccines that a year ago with 800 thousand doses already distributed ”.
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