Covid Lombardia, today’s bulletin October 31: 8919 infections and 73 deaths – Chronicle


Milan, October 31, 2020 – Lombardy wait suspended the emergency shutdown. They are decisive days to define which direction will it take emergency management COVID-19 in the region once again at the center of the epidemic, but also throughout Italy. Everything will depend on the data for the next few days. As for today, yesui 31,758 cases verified in Italy, 8,919 shave been registered in Lombardy. A figure slightly lower than yesterday, when they were 8,960. However, deaths have increased: in 24 hours are state 73, 25 more than Friday.

In these ups and downs of numbers a meeting has been set for Monday between the president of the Region, Attilio Fontana, the mayors of the capital, and the Lombard president of the National Association of Municipalities, Mauro Guerra. It is an appointment in which we will analyze the impact obtained from the latest ordinance of the Region and the latest government decree on the spread of the Coronavirus, on the progression of infections and on the saturation of intensive care beds. Data in hand, it will be evaluated first if implement other restrictive measures and whether to do it hand in hand with the Government. The executive could decide to call the Regions to a meeting today or tomorrow, even if there is nothing fixed on the agenda at the moment.

Covid-19 in Italy, October 31 infections / Pdf

It continues to increase, but slightly compared to the last few days, almost from Covid in Italy. am 31,758 the positives registered in the last 24 hours (31,084 yesterday), with the new swab records, 215,886 (800 more than yesterday). Instead, in strong growth I deaths, 297 (yesterday 199), for a total of 38,618 victims. am 97 intensive therapy also (1,843 in total), and 972 I ordinary hospitalizations (in total 17,966). This is what emerges from the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health. The region with the most cases is always there Lombardy (+8,919), Followed by the Campania in strong growth (+3,669, 500 more cases), Piedmont (+2,887), Veneto (+2,697), Tuscany (+2,540) and Lazio (+2,289). Molise is the only region with a double digit increase, +83.

The contagion map

Be more hit hard am areas partially “saved” in March-April. Particularly worrying is the rapid spread of Covid-19 in the Metropolitan City, where yesterday the daily infections reached 4 thousand (1,607 of which only in the city of Milan). Ats Milano raised the alarm: “Our estimate on infections this week – said the general director Walter Bergamaschi – is that we will reach 20 thousand cases “in the territory of the metropolitan city of Ats Milano (which also includes Lodi ed). the province of Milan is the special observed These days, even at the national level, in Lombardy there are other provinces at risk of explosion. Starting from Monza and Brianza and Varese, which have experienced a record increase in cases in recent weeks, in proportion to the population. Alarm also in Como, which yesterday registered 890 infections in 24 hours.

Coronavirus, Lombardy data

On Friday, October 30, according to data from the Lombardy region, there were 8,960 contagion, of which 356 ‘weak positive’ and 59 after a serological test (there were 7,558 on Thursday) and 48 deaths (Thursday +57) compared to 199 for the whole country. The swabs performed were 46,892 (Thursday 42,684). Concerns, in addition to the number of positives, especially the front of the hospital: there has been an increase in 25 patients in intensive care (which have reached 370 hospitalizations) and +343 in the other departments (3,698 in total). THE cured / discharged Today are 1,567, in total 94,134, of which 4,026 were discharged and 90,108 recovered. As for provinces, first by daily infections once again the metropolitan city with 3,979 positives, of which 1,607 in the city of Milan. Near the threshold of a thousand cases a day Monza and Brianza with +988, How +890 e Varese +804. They follow Brescia with +460, Pavia with +403, Bergamo with +349 and Lecco with +220. Always increases by three figures but more content in Cremona with +175, Mantua with + 147e I gave it +133. Only province with a double digit increase Sondrio with +98.

Emergency room raided

Meanwhile everyone’s eyes are on hospitals. Grow pressure on first aid, especially in Milan where I access numbers and ambulance assistance numbers for respiratory or infectious cases they are not comforting and, at this point, very close to levels of the first wave of coronavirus. According to the health data that Ansa has seen, in fact, ambulance interventions for cases similar to Covid (and that therefore must be treated with prudence as such) were 420 yesterday, compared to 480 per day in the March-April 2020 period “Here the situation worsens every day, we see it grow and swell in ambulances, we are very worried”, explains a Milanese lifeguard. Long lines of tampons. Today the situation is also complex at the Buzzi Children’s Hospital, with lines of cars entering despite the police and even security trying to maintain order. “We have not yet overcome the physical and psychological fatigue of the first wave, which we find ourselves having to face the second,” explained Stefano Perlini, head of emergencies at San Matteo in Pavia. “We are experiencing fear of what we have already seen,” he explained, “and we don’t think it could happen so soon.

Quick pads available Ats and Asst

Regarding tampons, the president of the Region, Attilio Fontana, says that “since on Monday the fast antigens will begin to be used by the ATS and ASST of Lombardy in certain public environments and subsequently, thanks to a resolution that will be presented to the Board on Tuesday, November 3, they will be provided to family doctors and pediatricians that will give you the availability. This type of test allows a quick definition of the result and, therefore, is very important for the identification of possible cases of Covid in different areas “.

Means of transport, pressure is reduced

If emergency rooms are full, many fewer people use Milanese public transport. The trend, which started on Monday, with the entry into force of the Dpcm and the start of distance education for high school students, has also been confirmed in recent days. In the Milanese capital, the decrease of passengers in trams, buses and subways continues. According to ATM, even in recent days the percentage of passengers transported stood at 38% compared to 41% at the end of last week. The comparison is based on data from the same period last year.
