Milan, November 5, 2020 – It is the day of disappointment and anger in Lombardy that tomorrow, Friday, November 6, will enter a new lock, the second of 2020. Until the last, the governor Attilio fontana and the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala they hoped that a new blockade on Lombardy would be avoided. But the figures speak for themselves, at least for the government, which has included Lombardy in the red zones, those with higher risk.
Also today in our region the contagion curve remains high, with 8,822 new cases in 34,505 registered in the last twenty-four hours nationwide. A percentage of 25.5%, therefore in Lombardy concentrates still more than a quarter of Italian cases. The number of deaths: 139 those of today, 17,987 since the start of the pandemic. Yesterday the regional bulletin had sanctioned 7,758 new positives and 96 deaths, compared to 43,716 tampons, more than him 41,544 today. In addition to absolute terms, after a couple of days of partial regression, contagion also increases again in percentage terms, with the positive / swab ratio That of 17.7% of yesterday goes back to 21.2%. further, The number of hospitalized in intensive care rose to 522+15), in the other departments to 5,318 (+300). I cured / discharged today they are 892.
Coronavirus, data in provinces
Regarding the spread of the virus in the provinces, the cases reported to Milan there were 3,654, of which 1,367 in the city; 973 a Varese, 898 to Monza, 703 to Brescia, 615 to How, 578 to Pavia, 252 to Bergamo, 231 to Mantua, 197 to Cremona, 189 to Lecco, 173 to I gave it and 115 to Sondrio.
Coronavirus, national data / Pdf
The current cases at the national level are, therefore, 34,505 vs 219,884 swabs performed (15.69% positive index / swabs). On Monday there were 22,253 new cases compared to 135,731 swabs performed (16.39%), on Tuesday 28,244 swabs with 182,287 swabs (15.49%), yesterday 30,550 with 211,831 swabs (14.42%). This is what emerges from the daily bulletin on the coronavirus issued by Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health. After Lombardy, the region with the highest number of new infections is the Campania with 3,888, Followed by the Veneto with 3,264.
According to Fontana, this decision was made on the basis of old data, which does not take into account the efforts made in recent weeks by citizens and the decrease in Rt index. In contrast, the government highlights the suffering from hospitals and intensive care, another indicator of “high risk” areas. This is also the reason why there is great expectation for today’s contagion data, on the eve of blockade 2. That the situation is not simple, yesterday’s figures show: 7,758 new positives me 96 dead. In total, 17,848 have died in the region since the start of the pandemic. THE tampons carried out yesterday were 43,716, with a decrease in positive / swab ratio Alabama 17.7% (vs. 21% the day before). Also down the Rt index, found in 1.6. If the improvement of these two parameters thundered Fontana against the government, on the other hand is the increase in patients in intensive care (+32 yesterday), which reaches 507 in total. While those admitted in other rooms am +278 (5,018 in total). I cured / discharged today there are 5,169 (101,610 since the start of the pandemic).
Tilt damping system in Milan
Meanwhile, in Milan, where there is a steady increase in new cases, the the tampon system is tilted. The report comes fromAts of the Metropolitan City to general practitioners, in a note with which he asks for the collaboration of the white coats: “Unfortunately we are registering a daily number of new positives that is vastly higher than what happened in the first phase. Every day we detect several thousand new cases: almost 4 thousand in the last days, 20 times greater to the data from the end of September, with a progression that is unfortunately extremely significant “. Along with the increase in the number of positives there is also the”boom in daily symptom reports “ entered into the portal by general practitioners. Reports “that exceed the threshold of 10 thousand “every day “for several days in a row.”
Dpcm, Galli: “I hope it is not too late”
And while I Merchants Lombards fear the new lockdown could burn out Christmas in terms of turnover, a flash comes from Massimo Galli, head of the hospital’s infectious disease department ‘Luigi Sacco’ from Milan: “If in these three weeks we see an initial reduction of the phenomenon, maybe we don’t play for Christmas. “ According to the expert “we should see gods tangible results in 2-3 weeks, we will see them not immediately but after a substantial number of days because what we are enduring now is already on its way, let’s not cancel the ongoing infections with a measure: it is a three-week bet. I hope – he concludes – that it is not a late measure and that it is not the prelude to something more decisive and even more marked ”.
Hyperimmune plasma, Varese leader of the national project
The European Comission approved the progetto ‘Ccp-Italia’, about him convalescent plasma against Covid-19, which will have a Varese its control room. Covid-19 convalescent plasma (Ccp) is plasma that can be donated by people who have been infected with the virus and are cured (negative swab). The purpose of the initiative, which will involve in Italy 13 regions, is “to increase the production of iperimmune plasma of subjects recovered from Covid-19 in order to broaden the spectrum of therapies, guarantee treatment opportunities for the greatest number of patients in the different clinical phases, in the short, medium (one year) or long (two years) period, Y develop specific immunoglobulins for passive therapy and prophylaxis of exposed or fragile subjects.
Patting sprout
Meanwhile back there’emergency COVID-19 Alabama Pi Albergo Trivulzio from Milan, one of the symbolic places of the death of the elderly last spring, dove 64 employees of 551 in service are results positive and 20 am “pending report”. As for the patients, let’s go 900 results 7 infected, but there have been at least 45 false positives, then negative results.
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