“We are not heroes, but professionals who with competence and seriousness continue to put their service at the disposal of others,” wrote the Regional Coordination of Nursing Professions of Lombardy, asking that health workers be put “in adequate conditions to continue guaranteeing assistance to the citizen ”
“We nurses are always close to the public with our abilities to continue this ‘fight’ to the end, but in order to do so we need concrete support. We are not heroes but professionals who with competence and seriousness continue to make theirs available to others. Service. “These are the words that the Lombardy Regional Coordination of Nursing Professions has written, among others, to the President of the Region, Attilio Fontana, and to the Councilor for Social Welfare, Giulio Gallera, asking for” concrete facts that support our work for putting ourselves in the right conditions to continue to guarantee assistance to citizens ”. (ALL UPDATES – MAPS AND CONTAGION GRAPHS)
The letter from the nurses
“Illustrious President Attilio Fontana, we thank you for the esteem you have for us and for the thought you have reserved for us through a communication dated 04/11/2020 – they write in an articulated document.” In the current state of the situation, it is unfortunately unthinkable that it is The words used by Pope Francis and collected in the communication are really moving, but it is definitely expected that the president of the Lombardy Region will consider our professional competence in addition to the ‘tenderness ‘that distinguishes our actions. “
Requests from health professionals
Nurses ask “to prepare rhino-pharyngeal swab processing systems that respond quantitatively to the need for containment of positives and early return of results; the recognition of the specific competences of the profession (for example, we reluctantly note that in the Resolution No. XI / 3777 regarding the use of antigen tests, the figure of nursing was not considered, as a possible solution to the numerous necessary administrations and subsequent reading of the rapid antigen test); define continuous surveillance routes in the structures territorial areas; provision of influenza vaccines for all health personnel in the public and private sectors, including those that operate in the autonomous system. ”Finally, the nurses ask“ to guarantee adequate screening and health surveillance for all health personnel, to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 among operators in any contest or care. “