“The British variant works 39 percent faster than the original version of Sars-CoV-2,” explains the latest research from the Ministry of Health. The Prevention Manager, Gianni Rezza, has prepared new research that evaluates the diffusion of English, Brazilian and South African.
The first, in recent days, has detected a presence of 17.8 percent of the British version. From this second investigation, branched out in all regions, at least twice the percentage is expected, also because in a month the English variant will prevail. The South African (who makes the vaccine difficult) is currently limited to the province of Bolzano, the Brazilian in Umbria. This scenario convinced the Ministry of Health and the Regions to organize a more rigorous defense system. Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who is strongly committed to a massive vaccination campaign to secure the country, at the same time agrees on the need to be cautious in this transition phase. What will happen? We are working on two tracks, although there is no imminent measure: some governors, starting with Bonaccini (Emilia-Romagna), propose to move all of Italy to orange band (with even more incisive red band measurements on weekends). The formula was tested during the Christmas period.
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Objectively, it kept the contagion curve low, which could skyrocket at the most important festivals of the year. It is not about the general confinement proposed by Professor Walter Ricciardi, but about a lighter formula that, in any case, would have a maximum duration of three weeks. Second way: review of the surveillance system, of the monitoring of the virus that passes through the RT and of other 21 indicators. The Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health are working to understand if corrections are needed against the English variant that has a higher transmission speed. One hypothesis is to further reduce the indices that activate orange (today Rt by 1 plus other factors) and red (Rt at 1.25). The two limit values could be lowered between 0.1 and 0.2. Professor Rezza, at the press conference, insisted yesterday on an urgency: we must hunt down the variants, isolate them and prevent them from spreading throughout the country. Not so much for the English, who will become the dominant (fortunately it does not overlook the vaccine and it is no longer lethal, although running faster can cause many victims), but for Brazilians and South Africans who can still be limited.
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For this reason, a system of territorial control is being strengthened, a constant dialogue between the Ministry of Health and the Regions, so that the alarm is triggered promptly in the event of anomalies in the number of infections in a given territory. This is not just a hypothesis, but a ready-made system. In a timely manner, even with the support (or pressure) of the Ministry of Health, if there is any anomaly, the Region must intervene and delimit the areas at risk with red zones: both an entire province and a single municipality. The recent examples of Perugia, Pescara and Chieti already exist, but what is needed is an almost automatic mechanism, which does not depend only on the common sense of a single governor.
In fact, both the orange band throughout the country (if this orientation is confirmed) and closures at the municipal or provincial level will be possible even if the RT, the transmission index, turns out to be below the critical level of 1. A questioning of the Current color system is not only the change of scenery determined by the variants, but also the signals coming from some regions. Emilia-Romagna Minister of Health, Raffaele Donini: «I have been saying this for days, it doesn’t work that way, because we continually go from yellow to orange and vice versa, without solving the problem. In fact, the virus simply moves from one area of the country to another. This thesis was also relaunched yesterday by the President of Emilia-Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini (who is also President of the Regions) who explained, supported by De Luca (Campania), Giani (Tuscany) and Fontana (Lombardy): “I asked the ministers Roberto Speranza and Mariastella Gelmini evaluate homogeneous restrictions to reject this new wave ».
Last update: 00:29