In the last hours ‘orange’ Meetings have returned all over the country, from Navigli in Milan to via del Corso in Rome, from the university areas of Bologna to the streets of nightlife in Naples, from the parks of Turin to the center of Florence.
Meanwhile, in 24 hours, 11,252 new cases of coronavirus were registered in Italy, with 237 victims. announces the new bulletin of the Ministry of Health. 213,364 swabs were made, with a positivity rate for new cases (11,252) of 5.27% (+ 0.9% compared to Saturday). The current positives are 453,968, 9,384 less than the previous day.
On the eve of the color changetherefore, the streets of some cities have been filled. It happened to Milan, where, also thanks to the good weather and, especially in the Navigli area, there were meetings of young people who stood in groups in the pedestrian zone of the Dársena. Lots of people also on Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Porta Nuova, between Piazza Gae Aulenti and Corso Como. The crowd too Rome, in via del Corso, a shopping street in the center of the capital.
From today theItaly becomes almost the entire yellow zone. In orange area four regions (Apulia, Sardinia, Sicily, Umbria) and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.
Covid, Rome: crowds in the streets of the capital
Even the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, warned: ‘The yellow zone does not mean any danger’“We still need the utmost caution if we do not want to backtrack on the progress made in recent weeks,” said the Minister of Health.
At night, the extraordinary commissioner for the Coronavirus emergency, Domenico Arcuri, interviewed in Che tempo che fa by Fabio Fazio, said that “if we automatically start to pretend that nothing has happened and we witness the crowd we will lose control of the epidemic again. The virus has not been defeated but is still circulating. “Arcuri said about vaccines that”with AstraZeneca we will have the important opportunity to reduce the multiplication of infections“As soon as it arrives, we hope that from next week – he stressed – we will have two parallel paths. On the one hand, the reduction of deaths and intensive care “with Pfizer and Moderna” and on the other hand the reduction of infections “with AstraZeneca, preferably aimed at those between 18 and 55 years old”, which predicted 28 million and 600 thousand vaccines they would arrive in Italy. Now we are working with a scheme that includes 11 million and 200 thousand vaccines. This is more than 60% less“.
There are currently 1,958,691 doses of the vaccine administered in Italy, with 617,867 people who also received the withdrawal. This was reported by the daily government report. The most virtuous region is still Campania, which has used 98% of the available roads (it has just over 3,500 left), followed by Marche (94.4%) and Umbria (90.9%). Liguria lagged behind, administering 67.2% of available doses.
FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA, THERE IS A STOP ASSEMBLY – Prohibition of consuming food and beverages to take away near the premises and in places where it is possible to hold gatherings. Prohibition of consumption at the counter of the premises after 11 am‘order signed by Governor Massimiliano Fedriga to avoid gatherings on the eve of the yellow zone. The ordinance, in force from February 1 to March 5, proposes a series of limitations already foreseen in the provision of December 5, despite the return of the Fvg in the yellow zone.
ITALY WILL WAKE UP IN YELLOW, with a relaxation of the bans that will alleviate the harsh weather experienced in recent weeks due to a high Rt index that has finally fallen. Also thanks to a new interpretation of the Dpcm that eliminated the third week of ‘observation’ to move to the range of less rigor, an interpretation requested by the governors pressured by the categories ‘victims’ of the closure. Less consoling is the situation in Sicily and the autonomous province of Bolzano, which will turn orange, while Apulia, Sardinia and Umbria will continue to be so. And although Campania will be yellow, Torre Annunziata is declared orange.
Meanwhile, Sardinian tar has asked the Ministry of Health for clarification. A research supplement to Sardinian tar is needed to decide on the urgent request of the Sardinia Region to suspend the order of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza on the orange band for the island until February 7. With a decree published today, the president of Tar Sardinia Dante D’Alessio, ordered the Ministry of Health to provide all “clarifications on the reasons that led to the stay in Sardinia for another week before 3:00 p.m. on Monday 1 of February orange zone, also in comparison with the data of the other Regions “.
HERE’S WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW: In the ‘yellow’ regions it will be allowed to move freely between municipalities but it will continue to be prohibited, until February 15 and for everyone, to move from one region to another. The curfew is maintained from 10 at night until 5 in the morning, which can be broken for “proven needs”, work, health and emergency reasons. Self-certification is only necessary from 10pm. In the yellow zone the bars will remain open from 5am to 6pm, after which it is forbidden to take to places without a kitchen. The restaurants will also be open until 6 p.m., after which home delivery is allowed and take-out can be purchased until 10 p.m. It will also be possible to visit a museum or admire an exhibition from Monday to Friday but not on holidays and in any case with limited tickets. Shopping centers are open on weekdays: pharmacies, tobacconists, newsstands and food stores located in them will remain open on Saturdays and holidays. In the regions located in the orange strip, bars and restaurants will remain closed: for bars, take-out food is allowed until 6 pm in rooms with kitchens; for restaurants, take-out and home delivery are allowed. Movements can only take place within the municipality itself; You can leave the municipality only for reasons of health, work, necessity and urgency. Finally, family or friends are allowed to go in two from 5 to 22.