Covid Italia, today’s newsletter October 18: new record of infections (11,705) and 69 deaths, in intensive care 750 (+45)


Covid Italia, today’s newsletter October 18, 2020. There are 11,705 new cases of coronavirus in Italy. The deaths registered in the last 24 hours are 69. The patients in intensive care are 750, +45 compared to yesterday. There were 146,000 swabs, about 20,000 fewer than yesterday. There are 126,237 (+9,302) currently positive, while 251,461 is the number of those cured (+2,334). These are the data processed by the Ministry of Health, available on the Civil Protection website. Regarding new cases in individual regions, the peak of infections in Lombardy (+2975), Campania 1376, Lazio 1198 and Piedmont (+1123). The least affected region is Molise with 27 new cases.

Data from the Regions


There are 2,975 new coronavirus infections in Lombardy (of these 170 are “weakly positive”). The deaths registered in the last 24 hours are 21. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 126,769 people have tested positive for Covid in Lombardy. The total number of deaths is 17,078. Hospital admissions are 1,065 (+122), 110 in intensive care of which 84 intubated (+14), while the total recovered is 84,720. The swabs were 30.981 against 29.0537 yesterday; the total reserves amounted to 2,502,284.

ALSO READ Covid Lombardia, today’s newsletter October 18: 2,975 new cases and 21 deaths


Slight decrease in new infections in Campania. Today’s figure speaks of 1,376 positives (1,410 yesterday), of which 55 symptomatic and 1,321 asymptomatic, of 14,256 swabs. The total of positives in Campania since the beginning of the emergency amounts to 25,819, while the total of swabs examined is 766,187. The Crisis Unit of the Campania Region announces that there have been 2 new deaths related to coronavirus, with the total deaths in Campania since the beginning of the emergency increasing to 501, thus exceeding 500. There are 199 new recovered: the total cured is 8,453.


Of 23 thousand tampoi today in Lazio there are 1,198 positive cases (the figure takes into account 197 recoveries from notifications delayed in the last 48 hours, in particular in the local health authority of Frosinone), 6 deaths and 49 recovered. Case registry in Frosinone.

ALSO READ Covid Lazio, today’s newsletter: 1,198 new positives and 6 deaths. In Rome 574 cases. Frosinone Infection Log (+275)


Two Covid-19 Test Positive Deaths Reported by the Piedmont Region Crisis Unit. The total is, therefore, 4198 deaths who tested positive for the virus, 688 Alessandria, 257 Asti, 214 Biella, 402 Cuneo, 388 Novara, 1848 Turin, 227 Vercelli, 133 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 41 residents outside of the region but died in Piedmont. The cases of people who have so far tested positive for Covid-19 in Piedmont are 43,990, +1123 compared to yesterday, of which 687 (61%) are asymptomatic. Of these 1123 cases, the reason for the swab refers to 357 screening examinations, 471 case contacts, 295 with ongoing investigation, the distinction by area reports 140 in RSA, 179 in school, 804 between the general population and 3 imported .


Net advance of the coronavirus in Tuscany with 906 new positives in one day, a figure that brings the total to 22,802 units (+ 4.1%). The average age of the 906 cases today drops to 42 years compared to yesterday, which was 44 and only 6% of the new ones are over 80 years old. In the 24 hours, there were also five deaths, all in the province of Florence (one man and four women, average age 89.4 years), bringing the total number of victims to 1,194. The swabs performed reached 917,245, 13,380 more than yesterday. Now the positives are 9,986, + 8%: among these, the hospitalized are 440 (+46 units yesterday equal to + 11.7%) of which 55 in intensive care (+5 units, + 10%) while 9,546 are in isolation at home with mild or asymptomatic symptoms (+693 yesterday, + 7.8%).

There are 16,881 people negative for the coronavirus (-378 yesterday) isolated in active surveillance because they have had contact with infected people. Those cured grew 1.4% and reached 11,622 (162 more, +%): 460 people cured clinically (+43 yesterday equal to + 10.3%) and 11,162 (+119 yesterday, +1, 1%) cures viral, cured in all respects after double negative smear.


Veneto records the largest increase in Covid cases in this second wave of the virus, with 800 new infected in 24 hours. The number of infected since the beginning of the epidemic (including those recovered and victims) amounts to 35,851. This was stated in the bulletin of the Region. There are also 9 dead, bringing the death toll to 2,256. The number of hospitalizations is skyrocketing: today there are 467 people in non-critical wards, 44 more than yesterday and 52 patients in intensive care (+2). On the other hand, the number of subjects in home isolation decreased, 13,809 (-442), of which 5,0103 were positive.

ALSO READ Covid Veneto, newsletter: 800 new infections, second wave peak. Nine dead

Emilia romagna

The positives of coronavirus in Emilia-Romagna are 526 more than yesterday, where there have been another six deaths in the last 24 hours. Of the new cases, out of 9,189 swabs, 220 are asymptomatic, 148 were already isolated, 232 were identified in the context of known outbreaks. The average age of new positives today is 43.5 years. This is the situation in the provinces: Bologna (115), Reggio Emilia (71), Ferrara (63), Modena (59), Piacenza (43), Rimini (37), Parma (22), Ravenna (16). In Imola 40, Forlì 32 and Cesena 28.

Active cases are 9,163 (+514), people in isolation at home are 8,657 (+500), about 95%. 67 patients in intensive care (+2) and 439 (+12) are hospitalized in other Covid wards. The dead are in Modena (a 98-year-old woman); four in Parma and its province (three men of 89, 80 and 74 years old and a woman of 91 years) and one in Piacenza (a man of 82 years). Those cured are six more than yesterday.


‘In Calabria, to date, 236,641 subjects have been tested for a total of 238,747 swabs performed (further tests can be performed on the same subject). The people who tested positive for the coronavirus are 2,761 (+78 compared to yesterday), 233,880 negative ”. It can be read in the newsletter of the Calabria Region, which registers 1,072 currently active cases (yesterday there were 994).

Last update: October 19 at 06:26 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
