Covid Italia, Sileri: I exclude the hypothesis of the national closure


The Deputy Minister of Health said this, speaking during the Timeline. For Sileri, this is a hypothesis that should be excluded, “unless the data for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow show a homogeneous advance of the virus in all regions.” One of the current critical problems? “There is no shortage of swabs, but rather a shortage of diagnoses after the swab, that is, of the people who have to process the swab,” he explained.

A national shutdown? “I exclude it.” This was said by the Deputy Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, during the Timeline, broadcast by Sky Tg24. “I exclude it, unless the data for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow show in all regions, in a homogeneous way, an early virus that is not feasible and of beds, no longer present, so other regions must turn red. With 21 Red regional systems are clear that it is a national blockade, but frankly it is very unlikely, “he said.” It is likely, however, that other Regions deserve an increase in the level of guard and turn orange and somewhat red, But I would wait until Friday when the weekly report data comes in, ”Sileri said.

Pierpaolo Sileri
Pierpaolo Sileri

The situation of the Italian Regions


Coronavirus in Italy and in the world, the latest news. DIRECT

Sileri then described the possible scenario from now to the next few hours, regarding the restrictions in our country. “We must hope that based on the flow of data from the Regions, with an accurate analysis of these data with the parameters established by the ministry, some Regions may lead to an increase in their guard level,” explained Sileri. This will happen based on the data and the reverse is also true: not for this week but after another ten days, that is, after the two canonical weeks since the color of the Regions was changed, if the Regions showed a improvement in the trend of the data, considering all the parameters, could go back in a positive sense to a lighter color and therefore to a lower risk ”, added the vice minister.

“Greater precision of the Regions”

“I have always proposed to make the numbers transparent and even associate them with the postal code, not by region and less by province. There is nothing simpler. There is a discrepancy in the flow of data that the ISS and civil protection collect. Where more the virus runs, it is obvious that there are more difficulties to collect and, above all, to collate this data ”, continued Sileri. “We need greater precision from the Regions in the transmission of data. A greater effort and above all simplification is needed to adapt these data at the territorial level, the postal code would be the simplest ever ”, he said. In addition, he confirmed that “several Regions have developed protocols, Agenas is working on a protocol that will be distributed. A commission has been created that is working and I believe that very soon there will not only be a shared protocol but also the suitability of hospitalization guidelines ”.

“There is no shortage of tampons but of human resources”


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One of the critical issues of today, denounced by the vice minister during his speech, refers to the shortage of personnel in the laboratories. “There is no shortage of swabs, but rather a shortage of post-swab diagnostics, that is, of the people who have to process the swab,” Sileri added. “Commissioner Arcuri ordered 13 million antigen tests and one and a half million has already delivered them, and we are also preparing to expand 100,000 additional swabs per day, compared to the 200,000 swabs that are done daily on average,” he explained. , describing in detail the management of the emergency from the sanitary facilities. “The diagnostic capacity exists, while what is overloaded is the human resources. In some circumstances the staff works even 24 hours a day.”

“Christmas tune, yes to invitations at home, but it’s too early to tell”

What to expect in the next few weeks? Sileri spoke about it during another interview, broadcast on the program “Un giorno da Pecora, broadcast by Rai Radio 1.” I imagine a Christmas in which we could do much less than last year, it is evident, but if we could To have a stabilization of the curve we can consider ourselves in the yellow or orange zone, a middle ground that allows activities, obviously with the protections that We have learned how to use it, “he explained.” It will be a slightly off Christmas, for sure. Is there a possibility to accommodate other people at home? “In my opinion, yes, not many are clear, obviously within the limits of the minimum possible and always with protection. But this will be seen later, now it is too early to say, a month and a half to go.”
