Covid Italia, 8913 infections and 305 deaths: the bulletin


Covid Italia, 8,913 infections and 305 deaths: the bulletin

There are 8,913 coronavirus infections reported in Italy today, December 27, according to data contained in the Civil Protection bulletin published by the Ministry of Health. Since yesterday, another 305 deaths have been registered, bringing the total to 71,925 since the beginning of the emergency linked to the epidemic. Since yesterday, another 59,879 swabs have been done. The positivity rate is on the rise and currently stands at 14.9%.

Currently 2,580 patients are hospitalized in intensive care, while 7,798 have recovered since yesterday, bringing the total to 1,394,011. As for regional distribution, there have been 3,337 new cases in Veneto since yesterday, 1,283 in Emilia Romagna and 977 in Lazio.

Today’s data in the regions:

LAZIO – Today in Lazio “of almost 10 thousand swabs in Lazio (-779) there are 977 positive cases (-146), 16 deaths (-8) and +817 recovered. Cases and deaths are decreasing, while hospitalizations and hospitalizations increase. intensive care. The ratio between positives and smears is 9%. Cases in the city of Rome are below 500 “. These are the data reported in today’s bulletin as highlighted by the Minister of Health and Social and Sanitary Integration of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato

LOMBARDY – There are 466 coronavirus infections reported in Lombardy today, December 27, according to data contained in the Civil Protection bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health. Since yesterday there have been another 49 deaths, bringing the total to 24,867 since the start of the emergency linked to the epidemic.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – The coronavirus infections reported today in Emilia Romagna are 1,283, out of a total of 6,066 swabs made in the last 24 hours, according to data from the regional bulletin. There are 69 dead.

PUGLIA – There are 221 coronavirus infections announced today in Puglia according to the region’s bulletin. The data refer to another 12 deaths. The president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, based on information from the director of the Health Promotion department, Vito Montanaro, announces that today 1,748 tests for Covid-19 infection have been registered in Puglia.

SARDINIA – Covid-19 infections in Sardinia are slowing down, where 96 new cases have been registered today, but deaths do not stop, 6 in the last 24 hours, according to the Regional Crisis Unit bulletin.

VENETO – There are 3,337 coronavirus infections announced in Veneto today, December 27, according to data contained in the Civil Protection bulletin published by the Ministry of Health. Since yesterday, another 52 deaths have been registered, bringing the total to 6,038 since the start of the emergency linked to the epidemic.

TUSCANY – According to today’s bulletin, there are 227 new cases of coronavirus in Tuscany. Another 8 deaths were also reported. In the Region there are 118,784 cases of positivity to the virus, the new cases are 0.2% more than the total of the previous day.

CAMPANIA – There are 310 coronavirus infections in Campania today according to data contained in the Civil Protection bulletin published by the Ministry of Health. Since yesterday there have been another 8 deaths, bringing the total to 2,686.

CALABRIA – There are 179 new cases of coronavirus in Calabria according to today’s latest bulletin. He also reported 4 other deaths. To date, 411,970 subjects have been evaluated in the Region.

PIEDMONT – There are 470 coronavirus infections reported in Veneto today, December 27, according to data contained in the Civil Protection bulletin published by the Ministry of Health. Since yesterday there have been another 17 deaths, bringing the total to 7,784 since the start of the emergency linked to the epidemic.

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