“Excess mortality, that is, the number of deaths accounted for more by all causes than in the pre-Covid era, represents a data of fundamental importance to indicate the intensity, the moment and the territorial location of the effects, direct and indirect , produced by the pandemic on the mortality front in the country -explains the president of the Istat Gian Carlo Blangiardo-. The statistical report provides an original contribution to an objective knowledge of reality that allows better addressing the interventions and behaviors ”.
60% of deaths are people over 80 years of age. The class of people over 80 years of age is the one with the highest percentage of deaths from Covid-19 (60% of all deaths) in the period between February and November 2020. Regarding age groups, the deviation from Mortality with respect to the previous trend in the period in which the emergency began is evident from the month of March for those over 49 years of age and increases with age. The excess of around 50 thousand deaths due to the complex of causes found at the national level for the period March-May 2020, compared to the average for the same period of the years 2015-2019, is due by 72% – he says – to deaths of the population aged 80 and over.
Age group 65-79 The increase in mortality in the 65-79 age group explains another 23% of the excess deaths in correspondence with the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic. In absolute terms, the increase compared to the average figure for 2015-2019 is 11,700 deaths (which overall in this age group amount to just under 53,000). A similar phenomenon is observed in the months of October and November, the global increase in deaths exceeds 31,700, of which more than 23,000 more deaths in the group over 80 years (which covers 74% of the increase in total deaths in the bimester).
Deaths from viruses represent 9.5% From late February to November, deaths from Covid-19 accounted for 9.5% of total deaths in the period. During the first epidemic wave (February-May), this share was 13% – the report still says -, while in the second wave the overall contribution of Covid-19 deaths increased to 16% nationwide. If the contributions by age group are considered, Covid-19 mortality contributed to 4% of the overall mortality in the 0-49-year-old class, 8% in the 50-64-year-old class, and 11% in the class of 65 to 79 years. years and 8% in those over 80 years.
In the north, more deaths in November than in the March-April peak In many northern regions, the excess of total mortality in November exceeds that of the March-April peak: in Valle d’Aosta (+ 139.0% compared to + 71.0% in April), in Piedmont (+ 98, 0% in November compared to + 77.0% in April), Veneto (+ 42.8% compared to + 30.8% in April) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (+ 46.9% vs +21.1 %). The increase in deaths registered in November – the report adds – is lower than that observed in the first wave of the epidemic only in Lombardy (+ 66% in November compared to + 192% in March and + 118% in April) and in Emilia -Romagna (+ 34.5% compared to + 69% in March).