Covid: Istat, 73,000 businesses closed, 17,000 will not reopen – Economy


68.9% of the companies are fully operational despite the Covid health emergency, 23.9% are partially open, carrying out their activity under limited conditions in terms of space, hours and customer access, while that 7.2% is closed. This is what emerges from the Istat report on companies facing Covid in which they were more than one million companies interviewed between October and November with reference to the period from June to October. About 73,000 companies, representing 4% of employment, declared that they were closed: 55,000 expect to reopen and 17,000 do not (1.7% of companies equals 0.9% of employees).

Four fifths of the surveyed companies (804 thousand, equivalent to 78.9% of the total) are micro-companies (with 3-9 employees), 189 thousand (equivalent to 18.6%) belong to the small segment (10-49 employees) while there are about 22 thousand medium (50-249 employees) and 3 thousand large (250 and more employees) that together represent 2.6% of the total. More than half of the companies are active in the North (29.3% in the Northwest and 23.4% in the Northeast), 21.5% in the Center and 25.9% in the South.

85% of the “closed” production units are micro-enterprises and are concentrated in the non-commercial services sector (58 thousand units, equivalent to 12.5% ​​of the total), where the participation of partially open companies is also high (35 , 2%). Sports and entertainment activities have the highest incidence of closure, followed by hotel and hospitality services. and gambling houses. A significant part of the currently inoperative companies are also in the catering sector (around 30,000 businesses, of which 5,000 do not plan to resume) and in the retail trade (7,000 businesses). 28.3% of closed commercial establishments do not plan to reopen compared to 11.3% of accommodation facilities, 14.6% of sports and entertainment activities and 17.3% of service service companies. non-operational restoration.

Among the companies currently inoperative, those present in the south have a greater risk of definitive closure: 31.9% of the businesses closed (equivalent to 6 thousand units) expect not to reopen, compared to 27.6% in the Center, 23% in the Northwest and 13.8% in the Northeast (24% in Italy).
