
Covid-19 is scary again: 5,724 cases in one day and the doubling of those infected in Milan in just one week make Italy go back six months. Of course, there are those who are in a worse situation: in France there are more than 20,000 cases a day, never before registered. Spain, like much of Europe, is not doing much better either.
Sunday meeting to decide the Dpcm
Fears that Italy will soon find themselves in such conditions are beginning to spread: for this reason, a meeting of the Scientific technical committee (coordinated by Agostino Miozzo, Director of Civil Protection) col Minister of Health Roberto Speranzto. The new measures will be decided as necessary Dpcm, which should enter into force from October 15.
There are several hypotheses about the content of the decree. For the moment, the only certainty is that we will not proceed with a second emergency shutdown. The reasons are different, including economic ones: according to the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, “it is correct to think of” containment measures “but there is something else that is not growing: the Gross Domestic Product. We are at least 10%. “

Filomena Maggino, from the Palazzo Chigi working group for Phase 2, also says: “The country has numbers that do not justify a total closure at this time.”
Password: “rigor”
The password becomes “rigor“, Just to avoid a total closure. Thus, the premises could remain open no later than 11 at night; as it promises to stop the sale of alcohol in the first hours, to the prohibited ones to stop being outside the premises.
There is also talk of expanding smartworking and also reducing the percentage of passengers on public transport: the CTS has never liked that 80% of the maximum capacity was decided in recent months.
There are also those who fear the stop to travel between regions. Restrictions are also expected for public events and private parties, including weddings and christenings, up to funerals.
Minister Speranza: let’s not get our hopes up
“We have a small advantage over the others – said the Health Minister – but we cannot be under any illusions and now we must be willing to understand that everyone, the government, the regions and even the people, must raise the level of care.
“If we do it immediately,” Speranza continued, “we are in a position to better govern the coming months, given the arrival that there will be, but unfortunately it is not immediate, of responses from the international scientific community in terms of safe vaccines and effective treatments. The question is how we resist in these moments ”.
Will hospitals endure the worst of it?
Also on this occasion, the greatest concern refers to the capacity of health facilities. Especially in the Southern Regions.
For the moment, it should be reiterated, the situation is quite under control: suffice it to say that throughout Italy there are only 3 more patients admitted to intensive care in one day (390 in total).
However, with the Rt contagion index above 1.2, a level already reached in Campania, it is expected that by the end of 2020 the hospitals will not be far from saturation. Both in ordinary rooms and in intensive care rooms.
For this reason, it is thought that the restrictive measures that are being taken now could continue until March.
Educational institutions: quick exams, but …
And the school? What will be done if the infections continue to grow as in the last days? Surely, the ASL -if supported by the Government- could strengthen the use of rapid tests together with diagnostic swabs, to be implemented directly in schools, as has happened for example in recent days in some Roman institutes, also to try dilute the rows. hours in cars that are increasingly trained on the go in large centers.
The general fear, however, is that if the cases of students or teachers with positive results began to present more severe percentages than those issued in the last hours by the Minister of Education, then the panorama would change.
And the closure, just a month after the restart in presence, could become a hypothesis that is no longer remote.
Cisl: schools were “too lonely”
Meanwhile, the CISL Scuola claims that schools have been “too alone” in managing the Covid emergency.
The union led by Lena Gissi invites us “not to underestimate” the situation that requires “great attention and a great sense of responsibility on the part of all, starting with those who are called to make decisions.”
But then Gissi herself underlines: “references to responsibility are not enough, they are directed mostly in a unidirectional way to families, young people, schools and all the components that have no other tools for decision-making than their own conscience and respect for health “. collective “.
According to the unionist, “in the absence of indications from the center and a more incisive and timely action by the health authorities, which cannot escape the multiple complaints that school leaders continue to send, the pandemic will continue to advance rapidly in our country . classrooms “.
CISL leader Scuola speaks of “many schools forced to wait days and days from ASLs to receive a response to their reports. The swabs are scheduled in different regions with very long times and preventive quarantines systematically interrupt teaching activities, with devastating effects on students ”.
Dad, online elections and no contests
The union already seems oriented to the worst: it foreshadows the return of dad, awaits online elections for collegiate bodies and asks to postpone the teacher competitions.
Faced with this situation, it becomes “increasingly urgent and necessary to regulate, also contractually, distance education activities, so as not to be unprepared in the event that its use is unavoidable” and “wonder very responsibly about the convenience of being present in the elections of the representatives in the collegiate bodies, as well as the mobilization of tens of thousands of people throughout Italy for an “extraordinary” competition that runs the risk of being extraordinary only because of the unknowns of a sanitary nature and the inconveniences related to its development ” .