Covid Infections Today, Coronavirus Newsletter December 5. Data from Italy and Emilia Romagna


Bologna, December 5, 2020 – Emilia Romagna shows up for the appointment with him yellow zone which officially begins at midnight tonight with newsletter data soothing: the daily number of new infections falls below 2,000 (1,964, of which 991 asymptomatic), the proportion of positive swabs decreased to 10.5% (yesterday it was at 12.1), hospitals celebrate 5 fewer hospitalizations in intensive care and 10 in covid wards. Lowering the number of active cases, which today decreases by 427 (69,629 in total) people while I healed there are 2,339. The victims are also decreasing, but not enough, today they are 52 against 63 yesterday.

Covid today: coronavirus bulletin in Italy from December 5. Contagions and data

The average age of new positives today is 45.1 years. Between the territories, Modena it always remains at the top of the ranking by number of infections with 395 new cases, followed later Bologna (361), Reggio Emilia (293) and Ravenna (202). All other provinces have handled two hundred cases.

However, the president’s appeals are multiplying Stefano bonaccini and the Councilor for Health Raffaele Donini so that “all free” will not be released from tomorrow. Although the regional Rt index fell, even by a hair, below 1 (it is at 0.99.

Stores open in Emilia Romagna in the yellow zone on weekends Emilia Romagna returns to the yellow zone from Sunday. The rules – Covid: why the coronavirus in Italy is the one that kills the most

I killed covid

There are always too many new deaths that today are 52: one in the province of Piacenza (an 85-year-old woman), one in the province of Parma (83-year-old man), 9 in the province of Reggio emilia (4 women including 2 of 86 years old, one of 97 and one of 98 and 5 men, respectively of 77, 78, 84, 89 and 91 years); 12 in the Modena area (6 women – 71, 77, 78, 85, 91, 96 years – and 6 men, respectively 67, 69, 80, 82, 83 and 89 years); 2 in the province of Bologna, in Imola (a 97-year-old woman and an 88-year-old man); 2 in Ferrara (an 89-year-old woman and a 95-year-old man); 22 in the province of Ravenna (12 women – two of 76, two of 81, 1 of 84, 1 of 85, 1 of 89, 3 of 92, 1 of 93 and one of 97 years – and 10 men, respectively of 68, 73, 80, 84 , 85, 86, 88, 91, 93 and 94 years; 3 in Rimini: two women, one 91 and one 92 and a man 84. There were no deaths in the province of Forlì-Cesena.

Intensive therapy

I hospitalized patients in intensive care there are 243 (- 5 compared to yesterday), 2,707 those of other Covid departments (-10). In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 15 to Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 16 a Parma (-1), 33 to Reggio emilia (+1 from yesterday), 53 a Modena (-3), 63 to Bologna (+2), 5 to Imola (no change), 15 a Ferrara (-2), 12 a Ravenna (-2), 6 a Forlì (no change), 2 years Cesena (no change) and 23 a Rimini (-1).

How many are the infections today

Here’s how today’s 1,964 new cases are divided: 117 to Piacenza (of which 54 symptomatic), 129 to Parma (of which 76 symptomatic), 293 to Reggio emilia (of which 127 symptomatic), 395 Modena (of which 214 symptomatic), 361 to Bologna (of which 212 symptomatic), 71 cases a Imola (of which 30 symptomatic), 113 to Ferrara (of which 29 symptomatic), 202 to Ravenna (of which 74 symptomatic), 48 to Forlì (of which 28 symptomatic), 79 to Cesena (of which 53 symptomatic) and 156 to Rimini (of which 76 symptomatic).

The outbreak in the Argenta hospital

The outbreak expands in the Department of Medicine of the Hospital de Argenta and hospitalized patients amount to 21 and operators to 21 found positive. Yesterday, in fact, another 7 patients and 9 operators (including nurses, doctors and Oss) were infected in the tests organized by the Ausl. Everybody patients the positive patients were immediately transferred to the Cento hospital, which received 3 patients, and to the Delta, which received 4 patients. With the exception of one patient with a fever, the other patients had no symptoms attributable to Covid.

Among healthcare workers, 3 have mild symptoms, while the other 18 are asymptomatic. The positive operators were immediately placed in fiduciary home isolation.

“The virus continues to circulate a lot”

“Emilia-Romagna will be the yellow zone from tomorrow. But we must” continue to have responsible behavior and also a little scary, because it is a virus that must continue to be scary. A few days of inattention are enough for the curve to rise again. “The new warning is launched by Raffaele Donini, Regional Health Councilor on social networks.” The data speak for themselves – underlines Donini – the virus continues to circulate a lot, although to a lesser extent than in recent weeks. Precisely because of this fall we have decreased ours Rt, we are under 1, and for this we are at a moderate risk level ”.

This situation, points out the commissioner, “is the result of the restrictions, sacrifices and commitment of all: the health system, the economy and citizens.” That said, Donini reiterates, “we should not think that the epidemic is behind us. Thanks to the sacrifices of recent weeks, the epidemiological pace is slower and departments are a little less pressured. However, as I always say: to reduce the intensity of the epidemic it takes two or three weeks, but to go wrong and return to a worrying curve. a few days are enough Of neglect ”. For this reason, insists the commissioner, “we must continue to behave responsibly and even a little scared, because it is a virus that must continue to be scary. Every day we are showing how much, regardless of age, clinical situations can get worse. And 5% of those infected end up in hospital ”.

New Dpcm, the controversy

the new Dpcm resulted in several controversy, especially by the presidents of the Northern Regions, complaining to a lack of comparison with them from the Government. In this sense, it is Bonaccini To clarify: “Thursday’s passage had been arranged for a long time and had been preceded by a confrontation with the government two days before. content of the decree lawBut nevertheless, We only learned late on Wednesday night and during the night the draft of the Dpcm arrived, with a few hours to define observations and proposals. Except that the the decree law contains the measures related to the Christmas period, and by its nature does not allow additions or adjustments with respect to the observations of the Regions ”.

Still on the issue of the decree, Bonaccini also added: “I want to be clear: it is a legitimate path, God forbid, but in this way we could not discuss or share measures that have a significant impact on citizens. The least understood, I think in the impossibility of leaving the small towns. ”According to the governor, the Dpcm presents, in fact, a paradox:“ You can move tens and tens of kilometers within the big cities, but not travel a few hundred meters between small towns , inhabited by a few hundred people. the type of observations that we would have liked to present to the government, because nobody knows the territory better than we do ”.

In this line of opinion, Luca Zaia, president of the Veneto He asked the Government for repentance, inviting it to reconsider. “So we run the risk of triggering the southward flight,” Attilio said instead. Fontana, governor of the Lombardy.

Covid vaccines, there will be more than a thousand centers

“By and Vaccines for COVID-19 we are collaborating with the government because there will be more than a thousand hubs in the Regions. We are discussing it with Commissioner Arcuri and I am convinced that we will do things well. “This was stated by the governor of the Emilia Romagna region, Stefano. Bonaccini, talking about the Title V broadcast, on Rai 3.

118 service, 39 million in Emilia Romagna to improve it

Almost 39 million euros (38,971,975) support and improve the Service emergency performed by 118 in Emilia romagna: It was established by resolution of the Board approved in the last session. This is an increase compared to last year, which covers all aspects and functions of the 118, from radio network (for which there is 2.3 million euros available) for telephone network (2.4 million), ofhelicopter rescue (17.3 million) in operating centers (8.2 million) and that also includes management costs (4.5 million) and technology integrations (1.9 million).

in a 2020 marked by the pandemic, were more than 400 thousand, from January 1 to November 30, emergency interventions made since 118 in Emilia-Romagna, exactly 403,269 from Piacenza to Rimini. Thus more than 1200 per day. In the first period of confinement, infectious diseases (therefore, the COVID-19) asked more than 70% of the interventions.

“The commitment of the 118 employees, from those in charge of managing requests for intervention to those who drive the helicopters, was nothing less than fundamental to the stability of our health system during this pandemic year,” he said. Raffaele donini, regional health counselor. “Women and men who saw their work upset during the first wave, when we were fighting an unknown enemy and the calls in one day were multiplied by ten, but they were able to react quickly and effectively.”

Yesterday the positivity rate increased: 2,143 more, compared to 1,766 on Thursday 3. There were 3 new hospitalizations, for a total of 248 people in intensive care, with an increase of another 49 people hospitalized in the other rooms of the Covid. Slightly fewer deaths: 63 victims, compared to 85 the day before. The deaths were: 14 in the province of Bologna, 13 to Modena, 12 to Ravenna, 9 a Piacenza, 8 a Ferrara, 4 a Reggio emilia, 2 a Rimini, 1 in the province of Forlì-Cesena. The provinces that registered the most infections were: Modena, Bologna me Reggio emilia.

The new positives were yesterday 24,009 with 14 thousand fewer tampons. The victims 814. The healed or discharged have taken over the infected. The proportion of positive swabs has increased to11.3%. Intensive terapie -30, -572 hospitalizations.
The Rt index in 5 regions is above 1, on average it falls to 0.91. “High risk” Calabria, Apulia me Sardinia.
The regions with the most infections: Lombardy 4,533, Veneto 3,708, Emilia romagna 2,143, Piedmont 2,132, Lazio 1,831.
