Covid, infections on the rise in Veneto and record positive rate: that’s why –


Bitter awakening in Veneto with 5,010 new positives of Covid-19, 94 deaths (the balance of December 25), but above all, a positive rate jumped to 36.3%, three times the national average. A dbcle? A shoulder to the narrative about the best sanitary machine in Italy and also that staying in the yellow zone is a source of pride for the President of the Region, Luca Zaia? Debate has been rampant in Veneto for weeks and is now stealing more and more space even in meetings at the Ministry of Health. What’s going on? Compared to the previous data, the defense is always the same: the high number of quick swabs together with the molecular ones falsifies the incidence rate. According to Zaia, the more specific swabs you do, the more positive you will find. Still, the dead don’t lie. In Italy, 261 victims were mourned, 94 of which in Veneto, according to the December 26 bulletin. Then, the announcement of the director of the Tre Venezie Zooprophylactic Institute, Antonia Ricci, after the sequencing of numerous samples: in Veneto there are at least three cases of the English variant and two other mutations that are probably local and probably more contagious. According to the Region, this and not the long months in the yellow zone could be the cause of an unbridled contagion with its atrocious number of human lives.

Experts such as immunologist Antonella Viola, however, disagree: We do not have data to assess whether the variants are so widespread that they have affected the infection. Not to date, this explanation does not convince me. It seems very unlikely to me. What, on the other hand, we have learned in recent months that the orange and red areas worked and the yellow did not. With a high spread of the virus, half measures do not work. The slow but steady rise shows no signs of abating and Fabio Ciciliano, disaster medicine expert, secretary of the CTS, confirms that something different is happening in Veneto compared to the rest of Italy: the figures for the last 24 hours are in in line with the growth of infections that has been recorded for a few weeks, in contrast to national data. The question: why? The answer recognizes, paradoxically, the great efficiency of the Venetian health system: The high incidence of positive cases is partly explained by the large number of swabs performed, which is combined with very efficient follow-up and heavy use of rapid antigenic tests, all of which ensure that molecular swabs in particular are targeted at people. with high chances of being positive – explains Ciciliano -. This technical clarification is not enough, however, and if they are so many positive and because there is still a strong circulation of the virus. And this depends in part, paradoxically, on the great resilience of the health system, which has allowed Veneto to remain classified as a yellow zone. In this way the virus could spread faster than the orange or red regions.

They are not named, but the 21 parameters according to which a region turns orange or stays yellow end at the dock. In Veneto, the 1,000 intensive care beds that can be activated (there are currently 395 occupied by Covid patients) have greatly influenced the stability of the system, allowing the region to remain yellow and the virus to spread. The ISS also filters out a multiplication of doubts about the effectiveness of the adopted method, both in the choice of indicators and in the ability to quickly respond to the changing epidemiological framework of a given territory.. The paradox keyword is Veneto, in this sense, it could become an emblematic case on which to model a new system of parameters but also the ability to read and decline the numbers that the regions send to Rome every week: from the ability to do tracing charge, from the number of tampons to the always fundamental contagion index Rt, passing through the numbers that define the strength of the health system, including intensive beds.

The experience of recent weeks in Veneto is showing how even a few days in the yellow zone can be enough to witness the birth of new outbreaks.. Ultimately, in the process of global assessment of the different colors, the specific weight of the intensive beds that kept the Veneto yellow on par with the results of these days could decrease. In recent weeks, the regional secretary of Anaao, the hospital’s doctors union, Adriano Benazzato, spoke extensively about the intensive therapies doped to stay in the yellow zone. His alarm for the few arms: the doctors, nurses and operators are very few and exhausted, already in December 2019 the Region certified that 149 anesthetists were missing. Figures among the few qualified to operate in intensive care. The domino effect, in fact, doesn’t stop there. If the 1,000 intensive care beds really exist with lots of prefabricated spaces and equipment, what is in short supply is human resources. L ‘enhance beds, respirators and monitors have gone smoothly, but calls for new hires for doctors, nurses and operators are empty. As a result, routine non-emergency activities and assessments are postponed for several months. For Domenico Crisar, secretary of Fimmg in Veneto, to the 21 parameters, one must be added: civic responsibility that was lacking in Veneto. Certainly the fact that there has not been a total closure has influenced – explains Crisar – but I am afraid that the behavior has really influenced a lot. Far for me to absolve and justify, as I know that I often disagree with President Zaia, but these days I am thinking of cross-country trails on the Asiago plateau, in the Vicenza area. A sport universally considered “by losers”, pass me the term. Well, in the last weeks they were full, overflowing, it seems the new national sport of the Venetians. And things were going badly….

December 26, 2020 (change December 26, 2020 | 23:10)

