March 7, 2021
by Marco Conti
(4 minute read)
The contagion curve rises and Roberto Speranza, Minister of Health, goes on television to reassure him saying that “the government is ready to intervene with the utmost rigor.” For now, however, all is quiet even if he is never wrong to call for “stricter measures”, especially when 25 million Italians are in regions between the red and dark orange zones and almost a hundred thousand deaths have been reached since the beginning of the pandemic. The chancellor does Luigi di maio which also invites “political forces to focus on managing the health crisis” also because focusing on the internal problems of M5S and Pd certainly does not bring consensus.
Schools closed, dad risk for 9 out of 10 students. From Lombardy to Puglia, the map Region by Region
The technical-scientific committee did not receive any strangled alarm yesterday, although the concern remains and among the twenty-seven members there are those who are willing to swear that “a new national closure” will be necessary in a few days, otherwise “there is the risk of complicating the vaccination campaign. ”Reality depicts an Italy that passes in dark colors and leaves nine out of ten students at home. Apart from the happy island of Sardinia that shows the” white “, the monitoring of the Ministry of Health leaves three regions in red, eleven in orange and six in the yellow zone including Lazio. The English variant is accelerating the infections and yesterday Minister Speranza, interviewed on television by the Annunziata, said that he expected “other regions to turn red with restrictive ordinances.” However, Speranza defended the system of colored bands and targeted interventions because “there is a difference between the territories, as Sardinia shows.” In fact, it is enough to look at the daily data to discover that yesterday of almost 21 thousand positives, more than half are in three regions, Lombardy (4,400 cases), Emilia Romagna (3,056) and Campania (2,560) while in other 8 regions they do not reach 500 cases.
However, the minister gave a show of confidence when he promised that “by the summer all Italians who so wish will be able to get vaccinated.” A certainty that stems from the arrival at the beginning of April of 50 million doses of the vaccine that could therefore cancel the knot of the lack of doses to open the problem of administration. It is precisely the belief that vaccines will arrive on time even for those who wait for the first dose that allows the minister to give the green light to the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
With the number of victims that in the next few hours will exceed the figure of one hundred thousand since the beginning of the emergency, there is little to joke about and the attention continues to be high also due to the burden that intensive care has in many regions. In fact, yesterday’s data registered more than twenty thousand infections and 207 deaths with a positivity rate that rises to 7.6%. “Today – adds the Minister of Health, thus confirming that we will continue with the gang system – we have a huge differentiation between territories and the model built serves precisely to highlight these differences.”
Therefore, an attempt is being made to stop the virus with specific measures and greater controls, as evidenced by the latest circular from the Interior Minister, Luciana Lamorgese. Therefore, the only real way out of the nightmare-pandemic remains only the vaccine and the assurances given yesterday by the minister are also confirmed by the work that the president of the Draghi Council is doing to develop a colossal vaccination campaign that should allow to the Country to leave the emergency for the summer The prime minister will speak about this on Friday when he visits a vaccination center in the capital. The week that opens could in fact give the notebooks a premiere a little more talkative than usual both in the face of the health emergency and in the Recovery Plan that, after the pandemic, represents the other real emergency that the premier has on the table. .
The next three weeks, however, run the risk of being very difficult on the hospitalization front and imagining a new dpcm is always possible, especially if it is in seven days. For now, however, the intention to continue with that national blockade that many take for granted and are willing to interpret, should it occur, is not understood as a defeat of the current executive’s strategy against the previous Conte government. .
Last update: March 8 at 01:13