Covid: infections greater than 19 thousand. Tampon record, 182 thousand – Health


Covid infections continue to increase in Italy: according to the Health Ministry bulletin, the increase in the last 24 hours is 19,143, identified with 182,032 swabs, the highest number since the start of the emergency. The total number of infected people, including victims and those cured, stands at 484,869. On the other hand, the increase in victims fell 91 in one day (yesterday there were 136), bringing the total to more than 37 thousand (37,059).

Of the 6,628 intensive care places available today in Italy, 15% are occupied by Covid patients, a percentage that drops to 11% if we also take into account the 1,660 additional beds that can be activated with ventilators that have already been distributed to the regions . The data is contained in the weekly report of the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri from which it appears that the region with the highest percentage of patients in intensive care – compared to the available places – is Umbria, which has an occupancy rate. at 27.85%. Immediately after is Campania (21.71%) and Sardinia (20.69%). In Lombardy the percentage is 15.69% while the lowest rate is registered in the province of Trento, with 1.96%.