Covid, infections are accelerating. Resuscitation in crisis. Doctors: “Risk of collapse in two months”


Incorrect data. Infections explode from 4,619 to 5,901: +1,284. Even considering that the swabs increased by 27,102 compared to the previous day, the ratio between the tests performed and the positives found (the key figure) increased from 7.7% to 8.4%. Deaths go from 39 to 41, but above all the pressure on hospitals is growing, with a worrying boom in resuscitation, which almost doubles from +32 on Monday to +62 yesterday, reaching 514 while hospitalized patients with symptoms they fell from 320 on Monday to 255 yesterday (a total of 5,076, almost a thousand more than on October 9). On the other hand, positives in home isolation increased by 4,112 compared to 3,689 the day before. The new dpcm The regulation on dinners Issue to highlight, the daily data of age and presence of pathologies are not provided …

Incorrect data. THE infections explode from 4,619 to 5,901: +1,284. Even considering that the swabs increased by 27,102 compared to the previous day, the ratio between the tests performed and the positives found (the key figure) increased by 7.7% all’8.4%. The dead went from 39 to 41, but above all the pressure on hospitals is growing, with a worrying boom in resuscitations, which almost doubled from +32 on Monday to +62 yesterday, reaching 514 while hospitalized patients with symptoms fell from 320 on Monday to 255 yesterday (in total there are 5,076, almost a thousand more than on October 9). On the other hand, positives in home isolation increased by 4,112 compared to 3,689 the day before.

The new dpcm

The dinner rules

Issue to highlight, the daily data on the‘years and the presence of pathologies of the dead and those admitted to intensive care, available only in the weekly comparisons of the ISS and only by sample, therefore late and partially. It is essential to know that 62.9% of the deceased have 3 or more pathologies and only 3.6% have zero pathologies, that the average age of the deceased is 81 years, but the data must be published in real time.

Coronavirus, the newsletter for October 14

The pressure rises and the doctors sound the alarm. “With the current figures of the Covid-19 pandemic – observes Carlo Palermo (photo), secretary of the largest union of Italian hospital doctors, Anaao-Assomed – Italian hospitals will be able to hold out at least 5 months, for the moment the situation is therefore manageable, but if we were to witness an exponential increase in cases as is happening in other countries such as France and we go from about 5,000 daily infections to more than 10,000 then the hospital system would have a estate no more than 2 months. There is a risk that the first anti-Covid hospital trench will collapse, because hospitals are not prepared to face an exponential epidemic ”.

“Already now – he adds – criticalities are beginning to be recorded health personnel deficient and with structures that do not always guarantee differentiated paths. “It is important to do quickly what has not been done in recent months: to adapt the capacity of hospitals. The extraordinary commissioner Arcuri has launched a plan to increase the intensive therapy and 4,123 sub-intensive (of which 50% can be transformed into intensive) but the deadline for submitting expressions of interest to the public tender expired on Monday and now it will take 10-20 days for awards. If all goes well, we could leave at the end of the month for 1,400 construction sites divided into 21 lots in 457 hospitals and 176 ASL. To get the jobs done, assuming they start, it will take a couple of months: if the race had been completed before the summer, we would have them ready. But the first wave had emptied intensive care and the second was underestimated. That has come instead.

It must be said that with regard to Covid hospitals, the Regions they worked with different logics. Who, like Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Tuscany, Lazio and partly Lombardy and Piedmont selecting a series of existing hospitals where to build pavilions reserved for Covid and those who focus on new structures, often cathedrals in the desert. Classic example the Covid Hospital of the Fair Milan, with a cost of 20 million euros, inaugurated on March 31 and closed on June 9; the Covid hospital in Civitanova Marche, inaugurated on May 10 and closed on June 5; the Covid Hospital in Pescara opened only on July 14, the three Covid centers in Campania of which only one, that of Ponticelli, is open; the Covid ex Ogr hospital now in the Turin ophthalmic; Gemelli’s Columbus clinic in Rome and the field hospital donated by the Emir of Qatar to the Veneto region, which dominates in Schiavonia, in the Padua area, were never finished.

Everyone hopes that these structures, until now partially used or perhaps open late or still closed, will cease to be useful. But the recovery of these days does not allow to exclude it.
