Covid, in Tuscany before the closure of shopping centers during the weekend


The new council is already in operation, headed by President Eugenio Giani, convened this morning to share the objectives and strategies of governance with the eight councilors now delegates. “We don’t want to waste any more precious time,” Giani declares. The period to be faced is very complex due to Covid, which puts the socio-health sector in serious difficulties, but also the economic one of great importance. We will take in 2-3 days, through a new ordinance, balanced measures to guarantee both the prevention of infections and the life of the community according to standards of correction and anti-Covid responsibility. We work on several fronts and in particular in three directions to avoid, above all, gatherings in the means of transport, in places of so-called nightlife and in shopping centers, without ever losing sight of the strength of our hospitals and the response of the regional health system to possible immediate and future scenarios, determined by the advance of Covid ”.

In fact, the first meeting of the new health counselor took place in the afternoon Simone Bezzini with the general directors of the sanitary companies and Estar, always in the presence of Giani, determined to promote an acceleration of well-considered measures, which know how to combine the need to defend oneself against the increasing infections of recent days with the right to work andinstruction.

“The Region has always been inspired by what coordination should be at the national level – continues Giani – and always respecting the indications from the Government, we will probably have to take specific measures that can discourage meetings and the possibility of contagion. As for public transport, as of tomorrow we will activate a coordination table, to which the dpcm refers, to favor a greater availability of means of transport and, therefore, a lower concentration of people in them at peak times, perhaps with Helping in the staggering of entrances and exits in schools, making use of double shifts to avoid what we have already seen, the galloping spread of contagion. We will also work to understand how to facilitate the work of the Municipalities to discourage gatherings in the most frequented places, carrying out a coordination function. We are also reflecting on the possible closure of shopping centers on Saturdays and Sundays, always to avoid social gatherings and the spread of infections as much as possible.. The current scenario – concludes the president – asks us to continue to constantly monitor the entire hospital network and the territory. All the possible necessary intervention actions are already being studied, as well as the strengthening of the traceability of positive cases in a short time and the increase in swabs carried out and processed daily ”.
