Covid: in the United States, infections are at their peak. “That is why the virus will disappear in April” – Abroad


Covid, vaccinations in New York (Ansa)
Covid, vaccinations in New York (Ansa)

Rome, February 20, 2021 – “The COVID-19 pandemic will have largely disappeared in April“It is the prediction for the United States of a professor of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. According to Marty Makary, who published a speech in the Wall Street Journal, I contagion I’m 77 percent since January. In the United States today, 28 million cases of coronavirus have been recorded since the beginning of the pandemic. And, according to reports from Johns Hopkins University, the deaths are below 500,000.

But why would the number of cases in the United States be falling so much faster than experts predicted? “In large part becausenatural immunity of an infection is much more common than can be measured by tests, “explained Makary. vaccines– To date, according to data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they have ended 59 million doses of the vaccine given in the US “15% of Americans have received the vaccine and the number is increasing rapidly,” Makary said. “It is estimated – he added – that 250 million doses will have been delivered to about 150 million people by the end of March.

For all these reasons “there are reasons to think that the country is moving towards a extreme reduction in cases of infection – is the expert’s explanation -. More people have been infected, largely without symptoms or with mild symptoms, fewer and fewer people remain at risk. “Following, therefore, the current trajectory, Makary concluded,” I believe that in April Covid will largely disappear, allowing Americans to resume normal life. “
