Covid, in the UK, tests a drug that ‘could give immediate immunity’ for 6-12 months’


The Guardian reports it. The drug, made by AstraZeneca and University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, could prevent a person exposed to the coronavirus from developing the disease. Phase 3 of the ongoing tests

As reported by the English newspaper guardian, in the United Kingdom have begun the tests of a drug developed by AstraZeneca and UCHL that could guarantee “immediate immunity” for up to one year against the coronavirus (UPDATES – SPECIAL). The therapy could be given as an emergency treatment to hospitalized patients and nursing home guests to try to break the chain of infections.

The pharmacological study is in phase 3


The special coronavirus

The study on the drug has been called “storm chaser” and is currently in phase three, the most advanced. “If we can show that this treatment works and can prevent people exposed to the virus from developing the disease,” he explained. guardian The virologist at UCLH, Professor Catherine Houlihan, would add another element to the arsenal of weapons that are being developed to combat this terrible virus. “As the scientist points out, the main advantage is that this drug could guarantee” immediate antibodies. “

Medication already administered to 10 people


All Coronavirus Numbers

The drug is currently being tested, with the aim of verifying if the antibody cocktail can protect against the coronavirus for a period of between 6 and 12 months. The subjects involved in the trial receive two doses, one after the other. If approved, read on guardian, treatment could be offered to people exposed to the virus in the previous eight days. “To date, the drug has been administered to 10 people (staff, students, and others) who have been exposed to the virus at home, in a healthcare setting, or in student classrooms,” Houlihan said. The drug could be available from March or April 2021, in case the go-ahead from the national regulatory body arrives.

“Important that the treatment is safe”


The latest news on the coronavirus vaccine

Dr Richard Jarvis, one of the committee members of the British Medical Association, explains that “it will be interesting to see if these trials will be effective. But the most important thing is that the new treatments are thoroughly investigated, well examined and, above all, everything, that they are safe before putting them on the market. ” Regarding the vaccines, which are being administered these days to the first British citizens, Jarvis explained to the British newspaper that “for the majority of the population, the vaccine offers the best protection against Covid-19. The British health service is working in the path”. as quickly as possible to guarantee the first doses to the most vulnerable patients ”.
