Old and new positives of Coronavirus: How did the transmission of infections occur from the beginning of the epidemic to the current phase? In an effort to analyze more deeply than the mere list of numbers, we turned on the headlights of the data divided by municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in Naples and its province, trying to draw a more precise map of the distribution of the virus and from this trace transmission methods, lifestyle habits, compliance with prevention standards.
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In Naples, since the beginning of August, the distribution of cases has acquired a double profile. During the return phase, positive cases of swabs in ports and airports were concentrated in the youngest age group and among residents of neighborhoods with a higher standard of living. Let’s talk about Posillipo, Vomero, Arenella and some neighborhoods in the center. A higher incidence that was also observed in the acute phase of the epidemic and then diluted during the following months to register a peak this summer. But in recent weeks this profile has turned in favor of most popular neighborhoods, sign of a transfer of infections. At the same time, there was an increase in the average age. An epidemiological mutation that many attribute to the fact that there may have been a transfer of the infection to servants, caregivers and service personnel living in the most popular neighborhoods. Here, in fact, in recent days the largest number of new cases has been concentrated. It was probably infected two or three weeks ago.
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In absence of Covid resort, Low-intensity inpatient facilities where quarantining as an alternative to impractical home isolation makes it much easier for further transmission of infection to occur. Respecting the insulation of the home without an accurate assessment of the housing conditions is, in fact, almost impossible. Often in these neighborhoods, many live in small apartments or even single rooms. Now that the virus has arrived, prevention should be more precise. Asymptomatic infected people circulate in public transport, sometimes they do not have documents or a residence permit and, therefore, some do not rub themselves. The prevention meshes in these cases are widened. Nobody would like to be quarantined so as not to lose their precarious job. “It would be interesting to investigate the situation of foreigners with health protections with detection swabs – warns a doctor in one district – and it should be noted that the condition of foreigner has nothing to do with it: the same dimension of risk is borne by the native population belonging to the groups with the greatest socioeconomic deprivation ”.
In short, it will not be a coincidence that in district 24 (Posillipo, San Ferdinando, Capri island) of the total number of cases registered since the beginning of the epidemic (595), 450 have been registered since August 1 and very few in the last week, while in 33 (Vicaria, San Lorenzo, Poggioreale) of 365 there are 284 counted from August to the end of September. The same for district 31 (Avvocata, Montecalvario, Pendino, Porto) with 380 total cases and 295 since the beginning of August but an ascending progression in the last 15 days. Moving the axis of analysis to the province of Naples, on the north side, we realize that in 40 days in the 32 municipalities of the area there were 950 positives, almost half of the total from last March to today (a total of 1,961) 50 hospitalized (in August they were zero). On the other hand, there is no data from Asl 3 area south of Naples.
As of August 22. The registry of positive cases is currently registered in Giugliano (102), followed by Pozzuoli (100), Casoria (97) and then Caivano, Afragola, Arzano, Casalnuovo to progressively descend to the municipalities of Ischia and Procida where the zero of Serrara stands out. Fontana. . A sign that in this case they play against socioeconomic conditions and also attention to prevention, which in tourist places, despite the overcrowding and flows, has been much greater. Last updated: 07:00 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED