Covid in Naples, suburbs without rules: illegal markets and buses, without masks


Northeast is a concept with undefined contours, if you apply it to Italy you immediately think of the Triveneto that complains of being the only locomotive in Italy but meanwhile tries to deceive the tax collector, if you restrict it to the city of Naples you sneak in the suburbs that suffers: Secondigliano, San Pietro a Patierno, Scampia, Piscinola.

We ventured into that periphery that fights and struggles, after the president of the seventh municipality, concerned about the vertiginous advance of the Coronavirus, called for the closure of schools to limit infections. An impressive proposal that served to light a beacon: also look at us and think about giving us a hand before the virus prevails.

You glide through the streets of those neighborhoods thinking of meeting a crowd of intolerant Neapolitans to the rules, without a mask and huddled together, you come across a crowd that lives with a mask and asks if they can enter the store or if there already is one. another customer inside. Then you turn a corner and you find that dangerous world that tells the president of the seventh municipality, Maurizio moschetti and that also makes the wrists of the eighth municipality tremble, Apostolos Paipais who launches a new alarm and a desperate request: “There is a need for a constant garrison of Civil Protection in the area, we need to expand the front of checks, tampons, checks to people who need to leave home because they live by day, but they must stay under control. Obviously the garrison, in my opinion, should be extended to the whole city, not just to certain neighborhoods.

Then you go from a Secondigliano course that looks like Switzerland in order and respect for the rules, a Via del Cassano where the area of ​​the cemetery is a souk of crowds, kisses, hugs and zero masks; slides of Guarino Square with Nino D’Angelo de Jorit observing a silent town of Neapolitans with masks on their faces, in the market of Chiaiano in which practically no seller wears protections and most buyers wear the mask lowered under the chin: “But you’re looking, here you can’t breathe with this thing on your face.”

At first glance you think that the situation is identical to that of the other neighborhoods, a mass of respectful people at the mercy of a small group of undisciplined. Then you see the tricycle of a warehouse emptying machine go by and you remember the alarm of the municipal presidents: “I just vacated a garage in Capodimonte – Gennaro smiles without a mask – I’m not afraid of the virus, even if it is me, of the seven buildings, they say that there are many people locked in the house. But what should I do? I don’t know if they are infected, I know that I feel fine and if I don’t go down to work you won’t eat at my house “.


Gennaro tells his life without fear of the virus that is approaching on the sidewalk. A horn forces him to leave, he approaches a minibus from which three people get off, a woman gets on and puts a coin in the driver’s hands, it is one of the many illegal buses that dominate in this area, especially between Chiaiano and Marano. the transport market.

You watch the event, you look in the van where among seven passengers only one old woman wears a mask, and you think that probably one of the possible unexpected outbreaks could be just this: how many illegal buses Exist? What are the rules imposed to respect the anticovid rules? The first question is rhetorical: nobody knows how many illegal transport workers there are in Naples, not even who should control the phenomenon. The second question is also rhetorical: in your opinion, when you get on an illegal bus, are there those who impose the anticovid rules?

Curiosity takes over. The chase begins. At the first corner there is a stop, an elderly couple goes up, wearing a mask but, as soon as they sit down, they both get rid of it, as if everything were aseptic inside. At the second stop two women get off no bezel. Then the road gets longer. There is almost a kilometer before the third unauthorized stop that follows the official transport poles. The elderly couple goes out, quickly puts the mask back on because it has to be carried outdoors but inside the abusive minibus there is no need. Do you understand why you have to worry?

Last updated: 15:17 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
