Covid in Naples, record of infections among health workers: stop visits and hospital admissions


Hospitals full, infections on the rise, and viruses beginning to creep dangerously even in hospitals both in the Covid Unit than in the other hospitals. There are already four or five infected among nurses and Oss al Cotugno, nine in Loreto among nurses, cleaners and doctors and at least twenty positive white coats in San Paolo, also here among nurses, doctors and other employees, including four others. just last night. Situation that aggravates the already chronic shortage of personnel. The current moment of emergency can be summarized with a couple of numbers: 75 intensive care patients with 110 beds currently available in the Region and up to 817 patients hospitalized between infection and semi-intensive rooms with 840 active beds in total. What is particularly concerning is the exponential progression of new positives. The virus appears even more contagious than it was seen in action in the first wave. The scenario to be addressed is the overload of the assistance network: the Crisis Unit yesterday launched a new alarm asking those responsible to immediately activate the new scheduled Covid places: ” bed monitoring Covid hospitalization – read the note – it is noted that there is a small amount available. Therefore, it is decided that all the indicated beds are activated ad hours, within today ”.

It is about the approximately 700 new Covid hospitalization units that must be added to the 977 places planned in July that are now run out. The first to go into operation this morning are 20 sub-intensive stations, all under negative pressure, installed in Cotugno. Another 20 units will soon open in an abandoned pavilion in the old part of the infectious disease center. Finally, 24 intensive and sub-intensive therapies located in Monaldi and already used during the first epidemic wave are reactivated. The mountainous polyclinic also moved in Naples: here the intensive care unit, directed by Jose ServilloSince yesterday it has expanded its staff from 8 full places to 20 and has already welcomed 6 new patients, with only six more free.

In the Asl Napoli 1 the rock ofthe staff weighs on the continuous lack of activation of 32 additional places of the 36 active in the Covid center in Ospedale del Mare and 20 resuscitation units in Loreto. Anaao, the main union of medical management, calls for the displacement of the rankings for the hiring and completion of the contests. On the safety front, in view of the upcoming new activation of Covid publications, the union hopes that “the same mistakes of the first wave will not be made” by creating well-defined extra and intra-hospital routes in time by identifying structures. Dedicated Covid, complete with triage and lists. rescue, Covid-free hospitals and intermediate structures avoiding confusion. Preconditions for the maintenance of ordinary welfare functions that “cannot be suspended or waived in any way” All within a framework in which a response of “modest proportions” is expected to the request for national civil protection of 600 doctors and 800 nurses conducted by Governor Vincenzo De Luca. The only lever on which the state can progressively act involves city hospitals, but it is necessary to create dirty-clean paths that exist in emergency rooms but not in wards. The Hospital of the Sea, which has constantly occupied 18 emergency units in the emergency room, with positive patients awaiting hospitalization, has expressed its willingness to transform emergency medicine into semi-intensive Covid medicine. Hypothesis left aside by management so far.

The crisis unit also reiterates the need to immediately suspend scheduled and non-urgent hospitalizations, both medical and surgical, as necessary, guaranteeing only medical and surgical oncological and oncohematological emergencies. Stop even outpatient visits. In almost all ASLs, those responsible for the Covid Network are informing the health directors of each hospital unit to implement the directive, which, however, weighs on the levels of care of the population that needs treatment for other diseases. The Crisis Unit is also working to rationalize the use of beds and establish Covid residences, also looking for abandoned hotels and structures to renovate. Ordinary scheduled activities, meanwhile, continue in accredited structures (residences and clinics). Here, however, the stumbling block arises: the exhaustion of spending caps for accredited activities.

Last update: October 18 at 08:32 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
