Covid in Naples, Francesco complaint: “Positive with the private sector hyssop, the ASL ignores me and my family is locked up at home”


“I rub myself out of a sense of responsibility, but I almost regret it.” Francesco CangianoThe 38-year-old Napolitano is disappointed in the isolation he has been in since learning he was positive for the coronavirus. After undergoing a pharyngeal nasal swab in a private health facility, the man has never been contacted by Neapolitan ASL and, after a week, he still has not received information on how to handle his situation both from the point of view of vision clinical and social, as he lives with his wife and teenage daughter. “I feel completely abandoned – explains Francesco – I wanted to safeguard the health of my family and the community and instead I feel damaged”. “I decided to do a private swab because I had returned from Albania, for work reasons,” says the 38-year-old employee of a private company who carried out the test on September 29 and who, on that occasion, had thought it could also be useful in anticipation of “a small surgical operation to be performed on the hand”. “On the night of that same day they informed me that I was testing positive for Covid and on September 30 I immediately notified my doctor and my daughter’s pediatrician,” continues Francesco who, together with the relatives with whom he had recently had contact, showed subjected to home quarantine. “The treating doctor sent data and reports to the ASL, activating the procedure for which we are isolated – Francesco adds – but nobody contacted me to tell me what to do and follow our health conditions.”

“I am asymptomatic, for now I have only had stomach ailments that may not be caused by Covid but I am not a doctor to say so,” explains Francesco, who is forced to live in isolation in a room with his 13-year-old daughter in his bedroom and his wife sleeping on the couch in the living room. “My daughter could attend the first year of high school just for one day but if it were negative and my wife too, they could move in with relatives and resume their life,” thundered the 38-year-old who points with his finger at the isolation in which he find. probed after Covid. “No one has ever answered the phone and even the toll-free number sounds empty”, says the professional who tried to contact in vain “the Asl di Soccavo, the headquarters of the ASL, the 118 that only attends emergencies and 113”.


“What worries me the most is having blocked my daughter who, like all adolescents, after the confinement, wanted to go back to school and a bit of normalcy”, explains Francesco, who did not give up and yesterday morning, On his own, he made a swab. privately, his family and himself to the home test. “We know that an ASL resolution is needed to determine negativity – concludes the man – but in the meantime we want answers.” The explanation for the slowdown is in the computer system or “the insertion of the positive result in the platform has set in motion the procedure by which ASL swabs are performed to determine negativity at 10 days”, explains Ciro Verdoliva, manager from the Neapolitan ASL adding “we will contact this family immediately”.

