Five deaths in the last 24 hours in hospitals in Messina and the province. Three (a 91-year-old woman from Barcelona, a 69-year-old from Nizza di Sicilia and an 80-year-old from Gela) in the Polyclinic, a 65-year-old man in Papardo and an 89-year-old woman in the Cutroni Zodda in Barcelona . The situation on the shores of the Strait worsens day by day andMayor Cateno De Luca asks Messina for a general shutdown of 15 days.
“Tomorrow – says the mayor -, at 10 o’clock, the Provincial Committee of Order and Security will take place, which the prefect of Messina has convened at my express request. The subject on which I will ask the Committee to comment is that of effective measures to combat Covid 19 which I believe should be implemented in our territory. The decision, responsibly shared with the prefect, to ban the Capo Peloro area last weekend in the time slot from 12 to 17 was annulled due to the conduct of thousands of Messina that in the same hours it pounced on the hills of San Rizzo or the coast of Santa Margherita despite the fact that the Dpcm expressly invited citizens to move only for work needs or for reasons of urgency, health or strict necessity ”.
“In the same way,” adds De Luca, “the legitimate fears of parents to send their children to school make no sense when we then see gatherings of children, almost all without masks, in the main squares of the city. Meanwhile, the Contagion index is growing and this should lead us to put a stop to irresponsible behavior that endangers everyone’s health. The municipal police and the police despite being committed to the services of contrasting the violation of the rules on prohibition of meetings and obligation. of masks, they face a massive behavior that seems to have chosen to violate the simplest rules: respect interpersonal distances, wear the mask both outdoors and indoors, avoid going out except for important reasons ”.
“Faced with this general chaos – De Luca stresses -, my proposal is to introduce a blockage for at least 15 days, to stop contagion. Acting now probably means preventing the uncontrolled spread of the virus. I have always maintained since this pandemic began that we must act with planning and not pursuing the health emergency that, due to the number of infections and the ease of transmission, runs the risk of putting us all out, both physically and financially. All this and my proposal – De Luca concludes – I will discuss it in the Committee tomorrow ”.
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