Fear in Como: three children, 5, 3 and 2 years old, residing in municipalities in the same province of How, were hospitalized in the last hours in the Sant’Anna hospital in San Fermo della Battaglia (Como) with Kawasaki syndrome potentially related to COVID-19-19. Two of them required transfer to the pediatric intensive care units in Bergamo, Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital and Milan, Buzzi hospital, considering the inflammatory involvement of the heart tissue (myocarditis). The third child is still hospitalized in Sant’Anna, where the necessary checks are being completed. Asst Lariana makes it known. High fever for more than 3 days, conjunctivitis, skin rash, swelling and / or redness of the hands and feet. are the main symptoms of Kawasaki disease, a rare inflammatory disease that affects the blood vessels (vasculitis) and usually affects children under 5 years of age. “Without fear and without alarm – observes the head of Pediatrics of Sant’Anna, Angelo Selicorni – Parents should be careful to monitor a series of alarms that the pediatricians of the family know well: in addition to a high fever for several days, appearance conjunctivitis, dry lips or mouth, general weakness, redness and / or swelling of the hands and feet and enlargement of some lymph nodes. In these cases it is necessary to deepen the situation with specific evaluations and activate the necessary therapies ”.
Covid, in children can cause Kawasaki syndrome: 149 cases in Italy during the first wave
“Taking into account the number of cases that have been registered -observes the general director of Asst Lariana, Fabio Banfi- we have offered Ats Insubria the possibility of organizing an online meeting of our doctors with pediatricians in the area, and if we also attended the province of Varese, to present the symptoms emerged and the signs that should not be underestimated. From the studies published so far, it is recalled in the note from the territorial social and health company, it seems that Kawasaki – whose causes are still unknown – may be favored by an excessive immune reaction to an infection, a reaction that could cause Covid. This is what is hypothesized, for example, by a recent study published in The Lancet by the Bergamo Hospital Pediatrics on the link between Covid-19 and Kawasaki disease. The study analyzed 10 cases of children with symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of Kawasaki disease who reached Pope John XXIII between March 1 and April 20, 2020. In the previous 5 years, this disease had been diagnosed in only 19 children.
Coronavirus, impaired immune system behind severe infant syndrome
Kawasaki, child alarm. WHO: “Multi-organ inflammation recognizable by 6 conditions”
Last updated: 14:34