In the last 24 hours there were a number of daily infections similar to those of yesterday – 1,392 against 1,350 – but more tests were carried out (87,303 against 55,862). There are 14 deaths, with a total of deaths reaching 35,738. The number of positives since the start of the pandemic, including deaths and those cured, rises to 300,897. The healed number 219,670. There are 239 people in intensive care (+7 compared to yesterday)
New infections recorded in 24 hours remain stable, while the number of tampons increased (more than 87 thousand). There are 14 deaths, 7 more patients in intensive care. This is the image that emerges from the newsletter of the Ministry of Health of September 22 (LIVE UPDATES – THE SPECIAL – THE GRAPHICS). There are 1,392 new cases of coronavirus in Italy (against 1,350 yesterday), spread across all regions: Lazio in the lead with 238, then Lombardy with 182. The new swabs are 87,303, while yesterday they were 55,862. The number of patients admitted to intensive care is increasing: to date there are 239 (+7). In the case of intensive care, however, the very different trend compared to previous months is confirmed: the percentage of positives admitted on April 4 was 4.5%, while on September 22 it was 0 , 5% (THE SITUATION IN ITALY WITH MAPS AND INFOGRAPHIC).
The victims, the recovered and the quantity of tampons
Coronavirus, from the first case to infections: the stages. PHOTO
Since the start of the pandemic, 300,897 people have tested positive for the coronavirus in Italy, including those who have recovered and died. The victims, in total, are 35,738, with 14 deaths in the last 24 hours (yesterday 17). The cured, again in the last 24 hours, are 967, for a total of 219,670. The patients with symptoms are 2,604 (+129). On the other hand, 42,646 people are in home isolation (+274). There are 10,575,979 swabs in total, 87,303 more than on September 21. The cases evaluated are 6,391,999 so far, net of how many swabs have been done. Among the newsletter notes we read that the Calabria Region announces that “of the 24 new positive cases today, 20 are migrants”; The Emilia Romagna Region explains that “after verification, 1 case was eliminated as a duplicate entry from the same patient with incorrect personal data”; The Sicilian Region emphasizes that “of the 108 new positive cases today, 5 are guests of the ‘Biagio Conte’ community (Palermo)”.
The data region by region
Coronavirus, the situation in Italy: graphs and maps
In detail, according to the data released by the Ministry of Health, the currently positive people are:
9,027 in Lombardy
2,393 in Piedmont
4,633 in Emilia-Romagna
3,143 in Veneto
6,030 in Lazio
3,058 in Tuscany
1,530 in Liguria
4,955 in Campania
660 in the Marches
2,190 in Puglia
548 in the autonomous province of Trento
2,390 in Sicily
703 in Friuli Venezia Giulia
742 in Abruzzo
448 in the autonomous province of Bolzano
1,723 in Sardinia
469 in Umbria
490 in Calabria
49 in the Aosta Valley
177 in Basilicata
131 in Molise.
The victims
Coronavirus, the worldwide spread on an animated map
As for the victims, there are:
16,925 in Lombardy (+2)
4,156 in Piedmont (+1)
4,478 in Emilia-Romagna (+1)
2,165 in Veneto (+2)
899 in Lazio (+4)
1,152 in Tuscany
1,592 in Liguria (+1)
457 in Campania (+1)
989 in the Marche region
581 in Puglia (+1)
405 in the autonomous province of Trento
300 in Sicily (+1)
350 in Friuli Venezia Giulia
475 in Abruzzo
292 in the autonomous province of Bolzano
143 in Sardinia
84 in Umbria
98 in Calabria
146 in the Aosta Valley
28 in Basilicata
23 in Molise.