Those cured in the last 24 hours are 20,132. The positivity rate is 5.8%, slightly higher than 5.6% on Tuesday. In Lombardy more than 30 thousand victims
Total cases since the beginning of the epidemic there are 3,440,862, while deaths amount to 106,339. There are 561,308 currently positive, 654 more than Tuesday.

In lombardy there were 110 deaths from Covid. And this, therefore, brings the total since the beginning of the pandemic to more than thirty thousand, exactly 30,085.
Vaccines – In the last 24, 158,536 first doses and 75,027 second doses of anti-Covid vaccines have been administered. The vaccinated population amounts to 4.41% of the total, while those over 80 years of age are vaccinated 56.62%. At this rate, 10% of the population will be vaccinated between two months and 25 days (June 17) and all those over 80 years between one month and 21 days (May 14).