Covid in Germany, Bild: Merkel wants a hard blockade from Wednesday


Angela Merkel would like to introduce a tough blockade in Germany, with the closure of schools, kindergartens and shops, next Wednesday. The Bild writes online, in view of Sunday’s summit between the chancellor and Laender governors. According to some media, the fundamental decision has already been made: according to Business Insider, the measures would take effect no later than the 16th. Bavarian President Markus Soeder told Bild am Sonntag: “we must take the measures before the middle of the next week”. .

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A decision in line with senior German officials calling for new and rigid measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The country’s disease control agency, the Robert Koch Institute, reported 28,438 confirmed cases in the past 24 hours and 496 deaths.

Germany, which experienced a much lower death rate in the spring than some of its large European neighbors, now has 1.3 million confirmed cases and 21,466 deaths since the outbreak began. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz called for the swift closure of most of the stores and pledged to financially support the affected companies. The governor of the southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, says he expects a “forced closure” before Christmas. Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet with the governors of all 16 German states on Sunday to discuss next steps to take to contain the pandemic.
