The circulation of Covid-19 has been contained in China, where for months there have been no more than 10-20 cases of contagion per day, almost all from abroad. Having won the health battle against the epidemic, the Beijing press, inspired by the statements of local scientists and Party-State newspapers, is trying to impose a version that the coronavirus did not start from caged bats at the infamous Wuhan food market, where the first cases of abnormal pneumonia were discovered exactly one year ago.
the People’s diary it simply argued that all the available evidence suggests that the coronavirus only emerged and did not depart from Wuhan. It would come with frozen food imported from abroad. According to the latest hypothesis of Chinese experts, the jump of the coronavirus from animal to man and then transmission between people would have occurred in the Indian subcontinent. According to this idea, the Wuhan market would have been only an amplifier of contagion came from outside. Wu Zunyou, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Control in Beijing, says: The first infected in Wuhan worked in the frozen fish area of the Huanan market.
The cold chain used to import fishery products entered the Chinese narrative in mid-June, when an outbreak of infection broke out in Beijing in the giant Xinfadi market: traces of the Sars-Cov-2 that causes Covid-19 were found at the stalls where northern European salmon was cut. 4. The authorities, however, were willing to take advantage of the foothold to launch a campaign to control food imports, even cleaning up some salmon. The salmon was found to be healthy and at that point the investigation turned to packaging. From time to time, containers used for the cold chain of German pork, Brazilian chicken wings, Argentine meat, Indian fish fillets, Scandinavian and Canadian salmon, South American shrimp ended up on the defendants’ counter. Products shipped from a score of countries in whose packaging some viral traces have been officially isolated. Traces of coronavirus have been found in plastic and cardboard packaging.
As Experts from the World Health Organization have yet to visit the famous and infamous Wuhan food market. In July, a pair of WHO academics left Geneva to prepare for the mission, but they spent two of the three weeks they spent in China locked in a Beijing hotel for quarantine. Now there is talk of an inspection in the market, closed since January 1 and extensively disinfectedClearly, an inspection carried out now could not give any scientific answer about the origins of the epidemic. As for China’s insistence on the cold chain that would bring the coronavirus to Wuhan, it is defined by Mike Ryan of the WHO highly speculative and hypothetical.
November 30, 2020 (change November 30, 2020 | 11:25)