
The cyclone came to the race, “there is a girl in second grade, positive, the whole class on Sunday is called to rub.” Scientific high school Azzarite, Parioli. Here we go again, the news was spread in the mothers’ chats before it reached the school by email and before the institutions communicated with the Asl, so the tones also went wild. Meanwhile, the whole class follows distance learning as a precautionary measure, as it would have done anyway, but the anger has already done harm, offending the student and her family. Something certainly did not come out, because no one in front of a suspect asked the family, of Filipino origin, to stay home.
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So, before the result of the buffer, carried out as a precaution in Santa Maria della Pietà, before returning to her normal activities and having an elderly and positive relative, the young woman returned to school, faced with a certain response. One day, it was worth the pillory. Yes, because the mother, as soon as she knew the result of the test, she warned everyone. “I was wrong, I made mistakes but in good faith now I would like them to leave us alone, he gave me a swab as a precaution, nobody told me how to behave, just to go home they would call us the next day, instead nobody has called Meanwhile they made my daughter cry and called her retarded.
Regarding the procedure, the timing and the application of the covid measures, the rector Roberto Gueli explains that “the ASL will do all the necessary investigations to verify and there have been trifles.” The student’s mother repeats that she underwent a precautionary tampon (which opens up disturbing scenarios) “but no one told me to stay home. I realized for myself that I was wrong, that I had to keep everyone in mind. home, I apologized to everyone.
She and her daughter are positive, her husband and two other children are negative. A Russian roulette “my daughter has always used a mask and is very scrupulous, she spoke with two people.” On Sunday about 30 boys will be subjected to a swab, while in the chat mother and daughter, also the only positive ones, were offended by how they managed the entire event.
“I beg your pardon, but do not torture my daughter, tell your children, I am the one who came into contact with a sick relative”, but in the chat parents have ventured anxieties and fears also because all families are called to sign a pact, a self-certification in which they declare that they have not come into contact with positive people. “After a swab, a person should stay home” they press in the chat, even those with serious health problems appear, the mother tries to explain that between the ASL and the GP she has not had certain answers, while now she’s alone. face criticism. And we are just one