Covid in Campania, two viral strains identified but stop contagion from abroad


There are 249 positives of coronavirus identified yesterday in Campania (of which 45 return, 20 from Sardinia, 25 from foreign countries and 16 close contacts from previous return cases) of the 7,900 swabs made. The ratio of positives to molecular tests is 31.2 positives per thousand swabs, twice the national average. The global figure continues to place Campania at the top of the national ranking among regions: yesterday Campania was surpassed only by Lombardy (271). Examining graphs and tables, the third position does not go unnoticed, after Lazio and Lombardy, which Campania has held steadily, for a couple of weeks, in the count of hospitalized patients with symptoms, including the proportion of patients in intensive care.

In the scenario prepared by yesterday’s bulletin, hospitalizations remain almost stable (220) but the sick in resuscitation grow (from 7 to 9), the worst figure, the latter, from May 24. In the absence of deaths and 24 cures, the value of the infectivity index is finally just below 1 and in the same line as the national one. «With the returns from the beginning of September – you know from Palazzo Santa Lucia – the backward mattresses linked to returns from abroad and from other regions must be considered exhausted. The filter operation phase of the safety and prevention plan implemented by Campania has concluded, the only region in Italy that has made the control of returnees mandatory since last August 12. From next week we should see the drastic decrease in cases.

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Meanwhile, some wonder why Campania has lost the post-lockdown advantage given that returns from abroad, increased detection swabs and airport checks have also been carried out in other regions both in the center and in the north. . towards the south. “Campania opened in August a real search for the positive aspects that we are actively seeking and seeking among young people and travelers – it warns Maria triassi, Professor of Hygiene and Epidemiology at the Federico II University – they are also the youngest region in Italy and this statistically also counts since the age of those infected has been reduced by half. On the other hand – adds the teacher – Campania was the first to make tampons mandatory when returning from a trip not only from the four foreign countries arranged by the Ministry of Health but from all the countries of the world and also from Sardinia. The wave is still long, but it should gradually decrease. It must also be said that not all regions have opted for the use of traditional swabs for reentry detection like we have. In Fiumicino a quick swab is made that is less sensitive. Elsewhere, rapid capillary blood tests are all the rage. Finally, the drastic increase in the count of specific tampons, which identifies many asymptomatic. I believe that the screening strategy adopted is correct, deeper than the other regions, but the data should be read against the light in the long term. My suggestion is to count not so much the positive viruses but the asymptomatic cases, the mild symptomatic ones who stay at home, the patients with symptoms and the ICU cases daily to have a weekly pulse of these very important curves to monitor the phenomenon ”. .


«In Campania – explains Franco Bonaguro Pascale’s Virologist: At least a couple of different viral strains circulate, causing different symptoms and severity. This aspect should also be investigated. Incubation among the young fatally increases infections, they are the ones that move the most. Now it will be necessary to see if when returning to the families they will also transmit the virus to the elderly and verify if the health commitment curves will change or if precautionary recommendations will prevail. Navigation must be very prudent, adapting to the evolution of the phenomenon at least until Christmas, taking into account the confusing effect that flu and colds will have.

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“Any system will be adopted, we will be ready,” he says. Enzo Sciavo family doctor and union member of the Fimmg – but for now the main problem is the lack of updating of the platforms with the results of the swabs by the prevention departments, which discourages respecting quarantines ».

“At this moment the greatest attention is paid to the reopening of schools – he concludes – why does Campania register so many cases? It had the highest summer mobility both abroad and to Campania due to its historical and cultural attractions and also because it had the reputation of being Covid-free.

