Covid in Campania, to rapid tests in pharmacies: analysis laboratories emerge


Rapid antigenic tests: after family doctors it is up to pharmacists. The agreement that will give the green light to the rapid detection swabs of Sars-CoV-2 in pharmacies is ready for signature between the Campania Region (through the Crisis Unit), Federfarma Campania and Assofarm. The objective is to close the path to the growth of the epidemiological curve of Covid-19 cases.

The tests, although less sensitive than molecular standards, are already used when entering hospitals, accredited laboratories and will also be performed by family doctors in the coming days. Useful for an initial identification of the population affected by the infection and for the differential diagnosis with respect to seasonal influenza. Those with a higher degree of reliability must arrive at the pharmacy and comply with the rules and characteristics established in the Covid-19 report of the Higher Institute of Health. Nasopharyngeal sampling can only be performed by trained healthcare professionals (pharmacists, biologists, nurses). Although easy to use, the tests should not be confused with self-diagnostic tests, nor can they be sold directly to citizens. The supply is made by pharmacies. Membership is voluntary. There is a maximum cost, borne by the citizen, which does not exceed 25 euros. (or 20 to be paid by requesting bodies and associations, including public institutions), including execution at the requesting facility (eg schools). The protocol can be extended to saliva tests, as long as they are validated by the Ministry.

The cry ofNational Order of Biologists. “We are ready to challenge the agreement and also act in criminal matters – warns the president Vincenzo D’Anna – The provision allows professionals who do not have the special skills required by law to perform real laboratory tests, antigenic analytical screenings that have nothing to do with the so-called self-diagnostic tests that a citizen can normally perform in Pharmacy. “Finger pointed out the lack of indication of the specific organizational, structural, instrumental and personnel requirements with which pharmacies must necessarily be equipped for the execution of swabs and the summary indication of the routes of separation from normal activities. «Not coded in pharmacies – D’Anna adds – the appropriate and equipped spaces typical, on the other hand, of laboratories. Therefore, the requirements for the protection and protection of both personnel and users are no longer valid. “D’Anna then remembers how the President De Luca himself recalled on television: «The fallacy of those same rapid tests that today have been placed in unsuitable hands and surroundings. The provision adopted by the Region – concludes the former senator – foresees economic expenses for the Campania organization never foreseen for the network of analysis laboratories, although specialized and accredited by the National Health Service ”.


“The initiative represents the consolidation of the Pharmacy Services – responds the president of the Order of Pharmacists of Naples Vincenzo Santagada – established with delegation law 69 of 2009 and confirmed at the State-Regions Conference for the experimentation of new services in community pharmacy. Campania is among the signatories of the project. The pharmacist is no longer just a professional authorized to dispense drugs, but becomes an integral part of a more complete and efficient healthcare network aimed at meeting the current health needs of citizens to guarantee essential levels of care. The prerequisite is the wide distribution of pharmacies in the territories as part of the screening, prevention, treatment of chronic diseases and information to users ”.

