It is useless to surround him, the figures speak for themselves: the turn that the coronavirus epidemic has taken, in Campania but also in Italy, cannot be governed for much longer. Beds and white coats can be recruited to get on the front line, as the Campania Crisis Unit is doing in these hours to stop the Covid flood wave, but meanwhile the infections continue to rain and for some time (not long ) the levee defense system will fail. It is not a question of skill, it has nothing to do with efficiency: it is a question of numbers and infections, which the virus feeds on. In the meeting of the Crisis Unit, which lasted yesterday from afternoon until late at night, the calculation of the gloomy forecasts is combined with the urgency of having to provide an adequate health response and with the awareness that, for part of the Government of Rome, there is no ‘is the intention to proceed with a generalized blockade of the country. The option of closing Naples and Milan, as Walter Ricciardi, councilor of the Ministry of Health has been saying for weeks? It is useless, or rather it would be substantially impractical in large metropolitan areas. The general political, social and economic climate does not allow the closure of individual regions as an alternative. The only way, therefore, is to fight on the health front using all available resources.
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The front lines are the hospitals and the back of family medicine, districts and departments of the ASL, including the joints of the accredited private health. All energies are concentrated in recruiting all recruitable in terms of assistance forces with the aim of guaranteeing answers to the sick of today and those of the next days, weeks or months. Because, it should be remembered, winter is approaching with all that this entails for diseases related to the respiratory system. The mission of the managers is to accelerate the operation of the engines of the rooms and rooms, develop strategies in the emergency room, define routes, needs for tampons, drugs, men and vehicles. The expense, even economic, is very considerable. Like a war. In the crisis unit, there was talk of hospital beds, home care and also a Covid resort that Governor De Luca requires to the extent of one for each local health authority. For now, the only Naples 1 local health authority is holding a shot, with the hotel structure attached to the hospital of the sea and the Caserta local health authority having for some time involved Teano and the disused structure in Capua (the Palascian). But there are never enough seats.
The new positive aspects are mainly concentrated in densely populated areas such as the metropolitan area of Naples and Caserta. The exponential profile of infections can be captured with a few very clear data: on October 1 in Naples 162 positive cases were registered, there were 103 at the end of September, 52 on 23 of that month since the positives were only 195 all days and places occupied and 37 out of 40 in Loreto and 24 out of 25 in Ospedale del Mare, a sign of a commitment to the hospital network that was beginning to crush significant numbers even though no deaths were mentioned at all. On October 10 we were already at 227 altitude, on the 16th of this month at 366 to arrive yesterday at 532 before the complete saturation of the 240 places in Cotugno. The intensive therapies of the Cardarelli del Mar hospital have come into play despite the nightmare situation and the double channel of arrival of patients, it is one of the most efficient trenches and in the Polyclinic the sub-intensive shifts in infectious diseases begin on Friday with the anesthetist present day and night to guard six beds and since the end of November double. But in the background the noise of the always-on engine of infections is heard: Campania registers a percentage of positive swabs always increasing and yesterday 20 deaths. Figures destined to double in a few weeks along with the intensive care boom that has already begun: yesterday they occupied 140 places, the highest value from February to today, as well as hospitalizations that increase by 30 or 40 every 24 hours.
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