Until midnight tomorrow it will be possible to move without reason from one province to another in Campania. Then the lock will be activated and a valid reason will be needed to break it. A few hours later, from 11 pm on Friday, the shutters of restaurants, bars and pubs and from midnight to 5 in the morning stop for mobility. The time of the curfew in Campania It is being finalized in all the details in these hours while the political will that had been manifested in a meeting with the unions to reopen at least the primary schools from next Monday runs the risk of being canceled by the vertical curve of contagions that signals a continued increase in covid cases. Today the number of positives is 1,760, 11 deaths between October 17 and 20. For this reason, no decision has yet been made, but there is a risk that the reopening expected by many parents will not become a reality. The significant increase in the contagion curves that are becoming vertical in the increase in the population from 0 to 18 years old suggests a greater spread of the virus in the coming weeks in the school population. The Region has the political will to reopen schools, at least the primary ones, but also the evaluation of the risk to the health and health of the population as the first objective. In the coming days there will be more evaluations on the contagion projections and an official decision will be made.
The ordinance of the Campania Region that limits interprovincial travel provides for exceptions: “Health reasons; proven business reasons; proven family reasons; school reasons and / or related to educational and / or welfare activities; other reasons of urgent need. In any case, the return to residence or habitual residence is allowed. “Therefore, it will not be possible to go to other provinces even if he has a house: if a Neapolitan citizen, for example, has a house in Cilento, he will not be able to get there to her to spend the weekend. On the other hand, it is not forbidden to cross Campania to reach extra-regional locations. If you want to go to Rome from Naples you can do it, even if this means crossing the province of Caserta. The same happens with a Roman who wanted to go to Amalfi, crossing the province of Naples. The ordinance is currently valid until October 30, but will probably be extended, particularly since the deadline coincides with the long bank holiday from October 30 to November 2. However, there will be, say the Region, any form to fill in. For authorized movements with the stated reasons, citizens must take a sheet and write the self-certification by themselves, putting their data p personal and the reason for the move on that date.
In Arzano, where the red zone was established due to the rise of infections, a meeting between the forces of order developed the plan to control the entrances and exits of the city. Some areas closed with concrete blocks, other streets will be free – but controlled by the military – for the passage of vehicles that supply food stores and pharmacies.
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