Covid in Campania: less positive, hopefully in the transition to the orange or yellow zone. Close the self-certification controls


Now Campania is confident of a reduction in anti-Covid restrictions, with the transition from the current one red to orange or even yellow zone. In fact, the decline in the positive growth curve is consolidated and, above all, the reduction in the number of beds occupied both in intensive care and in ordinary hospitalizations due to Covid. Today, the proportion of new cases due to tampons has dropped significantly, to 9.3%, below the national average (10%).

On the health side, the new specialization departments are scheduled to open tomorrow Covid hospital San Giovanni Bosco, a center dedicated to patients affected by the coronavirus but who also have other important pathologies. There will be eight positions in orthopedics, 15 in general surgery, vascular and neurosurgery, 12 in cardiology, including four in coronary intensive care and four in intensive care. “The opening of these positions – underlines the CEO of Asl Napoli 1, Ciro Verdoliva – It certainly implies a reduction in other hospitals and also a greater reduction in the risk of contagion for patients, who would otherwise have been treated, albeit with specific courses, in a promiscuous environment ”.


The prefecture of Naples today launched the anticovid check balance. From November 15 to today, 78,470 people have been controlled with 2,209 sanctions and complaints. In the commercial sector, the controls affected 6,110 activities, with the suspension / closure of 32 and the sanction and / or complaint of 103 owners. Today, Prefect Marco Valentini met with the provincial committee of order and security, which decided on a new structure for the surveillance devices in the territory. They are expected to be the target verifications of self-certifications in ports, airports, railway stations and highways; the use of technological tools to prevent meetings, especially in the most popular places in the city; increased proximity checks with foot patrols in historic city centers. Finally, the Committee addresses the mayors of the municipalities of the metropolitan area to “evaluate the regulation of pedestrian traffic in the areas of greatest concurrence, and ensure adequate controls through the Local Police to comply with the measures and distances provided in the shops and shopping centers “. .

Last updated: 18:01 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
