Covid in Campania, infections in the hospital are growing: new quick swabs in the emergency room


With the increase in infections, the coronavirus makes its way into hospital wards and RSAs, despite the tests and controls established to prevent new outbreaks.
Then Cardarelli – where the last cases among the white coats are among the doctors and socio-sanitary operators of Surgery one, among the nurses of the Maxillofacial Unit and in the Long Stay Room, including cleaners – Saint Paul. Here the repeated alarms, for suspected cases or manifest cases in the emergency room, have evidently left their mark. Officially there are about fifteen positive swabs: two doctors, a security guard from an external company, two social and health workers (one of them external), six nurses and a whole team of emergency room nurses. The latter are five units that work closely together and that, despite always wearing the mask, have been infected. According to medical unions and voices inside the hospital, other cases (about thirty in total) would have arisen in other professional fields. “The alarm has also reached the health professions – warns Franco Ascolese, President of the Order of Technical Professions of Rehabilitation and Prevention -: we have had several reports from our members. Infections are also reported among those with symptoms. The emergency room is usually closed due to the presence of suspicious or positive patients and, in our opinion, the screening procedures are not adequate. Serological tests are no longer sufficient. In our opinion, it is necessary to correct the procedures and also raise the guard with protective devices that go beyond the surgical mask.

In fact, ASL Napoli 1 has already ordered the distribution in all emergency rooms since yesterday – Hospital of the sea, Pellegrini, San Giovanni Bosco, San Paolo and Capilupi de Capri – of new unhealthy quick swabs in saliva that will be superimposed on the quick tests. In the case of a positive result of the rapid swab of the patient on admission, the new rules provide for the execution of a traditional molecular swab processed in the San Paolo laboratory with a ready result in 18 hours. Once 80% of the supplies have been used up, a new delivery can be requested. On the front of protection devices, the ASL reports that there is no shortage of stocks in warehouses, which are numerous and of quality but are no longer delivered to the rain to avoid misuse.


Meanwhile, new cases emerge from the detection activities organized by the Region in Rsa to quickly identify and isolate other fragile infected people. A bud is found in a structure of the Aminei Hills: 48 positive cases in 225 swabs performed. All asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic placed in isolation. The situation is under control and all security procedures have been activated. The private structure is organized into three modules: on the first floor the tutelary community with 39 users and 16 nuns, on the second floor the RSA with 40 users and on the third floor is the house-hotel with capacity for 38 users. Then there is a seminar, where in 72 swabs three cases were detected related to people already in fiduciary isolation and, finally, six positives were registered in a SIR (intermediate residential structure). The facilities are under control.
Carpet swabs continue in all regional RSAs. It should be noted that of 235 new cases yesterday in Naples, 113 arose from home swabs of close contacts of positives, another 61 are those made at the request of general practitioners of which 45 are symptomatic and 16 symptomatic, 15 symptomatic of close contacts in the school environment . In the Region, the crisis unit asked all managers to go to “Phase D” remodeling the Covid hospital plan to provide a better response to care.

Last updated: 23:03 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
