Covid in Campania, De Luca in Rome from Speranza and Arcuri: “We need doctors and nurses”


The Campania Region has decided to ask Civil Protection to make volunteer medical and nursing personnel available as soon as possible, already used by the government and the commissioner in the emergency of recent months, to implement control of the territories. This is what emerged from the summit between the Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca with the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and with the commissioner Domenico Arcuri take stock of the epidemiological situation in Campania and prepare all the necessary initiatives at this stage.

In fact, a critical element represented by the lack of personnel has been identified for some time. Public tenders already held have not produced sufficient coverage.

“The high number of registered infections leads to a high prevalence of asymptomatic people destined for home isolation. But this requires the extraordinary commitment of the medical and nursing staff, which is essential to follow the patients during the isolation period, ”reads a note from the Region.


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