Covid in Campania, another 270 infected in 24 hours: never so many, Lombardy also exceeded


Another 270 infected in Campania, 82 more than yesterday but with 2,370 more swabs performed. Never so many since the epidemic broke out, even in the most terrible days of the confinement. This is the result of the bulletin of the last 24 hours issued by the regional crisis unit: of 6,729 tests, therefore, 270 were positive with 58 cases of return from Sardinia and another 67 of return from abroad. In August, therefore, the number of infected rose to 1,904, an enormous number considering that in the entire month of May, in the middle of the first phase of the epidemic, there were 362 positive swabs.

More generally, the total number of positives rises to 6,882 out of 413,478 swabs performed, while the number of victims remains at 445. On the other hand, the number of cured patients increased, from 4,396 to 4,412: of these, 4,407 are totally cured and 5 clinically cured where only clinically cured patients are considered who, after presenting clinical manifestations associated with Sars-Cov-2 infection, become asymptomatic for the resolution of the presented clinical symptoms but are still waiting for both consecutive swabs showing complete recovery.

In a note, the crisis unit specifies that this second phase is characterized “by an approach aimed not only at predicting and containing, but above all at early identification of infected asymptomatic patients in order to stop the transmission of the infection. This precautionary strategy, by identifying early with one of the most intense screening activities ever carried out in the area, allows to quickly confine the positive to Covid-19, thus avoiding a further spread of the infection, with possible repercussions in a possible phase of autumn resurgence of the ‘infection itself’.

Along the same lines, the president of the regional council Vincenzo De Luca, who in a note thanked “the exceptional commitment of the health personnel and the personnel of the laboratories and the Zooprophylactic Institute for the enormous effort put in place since the beginning of August”. “Since with the regional ordinance of August 12, the Campania region made tampons and home isolation mandatory for all citizens of Campania who returned from abroad or from territories at risk – explains De Luca – continues with highly results effective the prevention safety plan. There is a very strong filter at the airport, in ports and in territories. It is necessary to continue like this, until the wave of returns is exhausted, in a capillary and almost obsessive way the work of identifying infections from imports and direct and indirect contacts. Every infected person we envy today means ten fewer infections in a month. We are also doubling the number of tampons made, it is a fundamental job to guarantee the continuity of the security and serenity conditions achieved in recent months, in the face of widespread openings throughout Italy ”. Last updated: 17:26 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
