For the prevention and management of the Covid-19 emergency, the new ordinance of the President of the Region Jole Santelli establishes theobligation to wear the mask also outdoors for all citizens, excluding children to day under 6 years and the people with disabilities not compatible with the use of the protection device.
This is theOrdinance n. 68 that, without prejudice to state and regional measures to contain the risk of spreading the virus already in force, in the regional territory, up to and including October 7, 2020, provides among other things:
“the obligation, throughout the region, to correctly wear a mask or other suitable protection to cover the nose and mouth, as well as in all closed places accessible to the public and on public transport, also in all open places, all day, regardless of interpersonal distance, except for the exceptions provided by current regulations. Community masks can be used, that is, disposable masks or washable masks, even of own production, in suitable multilayer materials to provide an adequate barrier and, at the same time, guarantee comfort and breathability, adequate shape and adherence that allow covering from the chin up to the above the nose. However, children under six years of age and people with disabilities not compatible with the continued use of the mask, or those who interact with those mentioned and people during exercise, are exempt from the obligation to use respiratory protection. individually for motor and / or sports activities;
are confirmed in absolute prohibition of assembly, compliance with interpersonal distancing measures and preventive hygiene measures; is prepared to modify the provisions of Annex A of Ordinance no. 55/2020 as integrated by Ordinance n. 58/2020, for all economic, productive and recreational activities and for public offices open to the public, the obligation to measure the body temperature of employees and users, preventing access in cases where a temperature higher than 37, 5 ° C and communicating the circumstance to the Territorially competent ASP Prevention Directorate for the consequent compliance.
It is the responsibility of the Competent Authorities, through their own control bodies, also in coordination, to verify compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the other current prevention and containment measures, applying the sanctions from € 400.00 to € 1000.00.
In addition, additional measures of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of August 7, 2020, extended by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers and the measures provided for in the previous Ordinances of the President of the Region issued for the COVID-19 emergency, if not in contrast with it, or modified by it “.
To read the full text of the ordinance, CLICK HERE.