
In Lombardy, compared to 27,942 smears performed, there are 2,628 new infections on Christmas Day, and the positivity rate continues to grow at 9.4%. There are 105 deaths for a total of 24,782 deaths since the start of the pandemic.
In Lombardy, compared to 27,942 swabs performed, on Christmas Day there are 2,628 new infections, with the positivity rate still growing at 9.4% (on December 24 it was 8.2%). There are 105 deaths for a total of 24,782 deaths since the start of the pandemic.
One more person is admitted to intensive care (for a total of 522), while the patients in the other wards fall (-202, for a total of 3,976). Those recovered / discharged are 1,721.
These are the data related to the provinces: Bergamo 120, Milan 878 (of which 332 in the city of Milan), Brescia 366, Como 99, Cremona 86, Lecco 155, Lodi 87, Mantua 173, Monza and Brianza 183, Pavia 209, Sondrio 53, Varese 151.