
The epidemiological service of the company Ats Bergamo has carried out a study on the province: the population subjected to the test has changed over time.
The epidemiological service of the Ats Bergamo company (Sea) has produced a document that illustrates how the age of people who tested positive for Covid 19 on the diagnostic swab has changed on average over time, from March to August, and explain the reasons.

The graph shows a first phase, the acute phase of the epidemic between the end of February and mid-April: during this period, swabbing was performed on hospitalized subjects (frail people, with chronic diseases, almost always very old), with a mean age around 65 years. From mid-April to mid-May, swab activity was primarily concentrated in RSAs and the mean age increased to 66 years, with a central peak at 72 years.
When, from mid-May to mid-July, the workforce (18 to 65 years old) underwent serological screening (and subsequent swabbing in positive cases), the mean age dropped to 53 years., to then go back slightly to 58 years when, from mid-July to mid-August, the screening activity involved the adult population (over 18 years without limits) with various serological campaigns (including that of the city of Bergamo and that of the Lower Valley of Seriana).
Finally, from mid to late August, the median age dropped drastically to 36 years and the return swabs from at-risk countries affected a younger segment of the population. “The analysis shows how the average age of the positive swabs has changed consistently with the change in the population primarily swabbed: therefore, there is no evidence that the average age has changed due to a change in the characteristics of the virus. – explains Dr. Alberto Zucchi, director of the Sea of Ats Bergamo -. In light of what happened in the fifth phase, with the involvement of people who in all probability found themselves in situations of flexibilization of preventive measures, it is necessary to reiterate the need for an attitude of prudence.. A need also corroborated by the current cognitive limits on the Coronavirus, the lack of completely effective therapies and the absence of vaccines ”.