Covid, hospitals without doctors, but one category is excluded: the complaint


Every day health companies launch appeals on the shortage of doctors and nurses to face the Covid emergency in Italy. The Lombard wellness councilor Giulio Gallera and the president of the Piedmontese Health Commission, Alessandro Stecco, also asked for help from NGOs, fellows and retired doctors. This despite the new legislation on contracting for ASL, which has not yet been applied in the various tenders that have taken place in the last period.

The Cura Italia Decree, now Law n. 27/2020, establishes that all citizens of countries not belonging to theEuropean Union, holders of a residence permit that allows him to work, without prejudice to any other legal limit “.

Health managers, the Association of Foreign Doctors in Italy denounces, would continue to announce contests that require doctors with Italian citizenship or from countries of the European Union, and health personnel, such as nurses, Oss, Asa, etc., with the requirements provided for in art. 38 of the Consolidated Law of Public Employment, excluding i non-community citizens no long-term stay.

AMSI has taken over this practice in Lombardy, Lazio, Piedmont, Basilicata, Molise, Sicily and Calabria.

In Italy they are 77,500 people with foreign citizenship who have health qualifications: among them 22 thousand doctors me 38 thousand nurses, as well as physiotherapists, pharmacists, dentists and other professionals. Only 10% can access public health jobs.

In addition, Amsi continues, the employment situation of foreign doctors was already irregular before the Covid-19 pandemic. Jobs that require managerial qualification, and therefore all medical jobs, according to Dpcm 174 of February 7, 1994, are reserved only for Italian citizens. Therefore, EU citizens are also excluded, despite the fact that the Council of State has already sanctioned the illegitimacy of the presidential decree, which is in contrast to the Treaty on European Union.

Associations Asgi, Lunaria and the Italian movement without citizenship requested, by open letter, the Ministry of Health “to intervene immediately with the organs of the national health system so that, in the emergency phase, they guarantee compliance with art. 13 quoted, allowing access to the health professions to all foreigners with a residence permit that allows them to work, “the Government” modifies Dpcm 174/94 “and Parliament” extends the effects of the opening of which to the aforementioned art. 13, beyond the emergency period, being completely illogical that the possibility of the foreign citizen to compete for a job is limited only to the emergency period ”.
