
In Aosta Valley Of the 116 hospital beds in the medical area, 100 are already occupied by Covid patients: 86.2 percent. The small autonomous community cannot stand it, taking into account that it already has 7 intensive care patients out of the 20 places available in hospitals. The situation in Piedmont and Liguria is also approaching the alert level: it is no coincidence that, together with the Aosta Valley to the northwest, they border France, where the virus runs even faster than in Italy.
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, October 28: 24,991 cases and 205 deaths (+125 intensive care). Nearly 200,000 buffers
France, Macron announces the closure: «Schools open, bars and restaurants closed. Stop movements between regions “
We are always talking about hospitalizations in the medical area (infectious diseases, pulmonology and medicine), excluding intensive care where, however, the situation, although controlled, in Italy is close to the level of duty set at 2,300 occupied places (yesterday another 125 beds committed to Covid-19 for a total of 1,536, of these 292 only in Lombardy). Well, what is happening in Piedmont and Liguria in the medical departments? They have a fill rate greater than 40 percent. In detail: Piedmont 2,102 beds of 5,061 (41.2%) and Liguria 832 of 1,876 (44.4%). It should be noted that Piedmont is also struggling with regard to intensive care: it has 135 hospitalized Covid patients and an allocation of 367 places, we are at 36 percent. Finally, there is a fourth Region, which had been avoided by the first wave, which sees how hospitals fill up quickly, Umbria: here, according to data from the Ministry of Health, there are 218 admissions from 662 beds (excluding 37 patients who are in ICU of the 70 available).
Covid, rules for those who have tested positive: asymptomatic free at 14 days, more complex if you have a fever and cough
According to news from all over Italy, with emergency rooms often being converted into parking lots for Covid patients due to the difficulty of finding beds quickly, there is not only the unknown factor of intensive care, but also that of hospitalizations in other divisions of the medical area, always bearing in mind that with the opening of new departments reserved for patients infected by the coronavirus, the healthcare offer is reduced to other pathologies.
Lombardy, Campania, Lazio, the autonomous province of Bolzano and, although to a lesser extent, Marche, Sicily and Tuscany also suffered. They range from 30 to 40 percent. Lombardy, in particular, has a record of hospitalizations: 2,780 out of 10,217 beds in the medical area and 292 patients in intensive care, out of a total of 983 beds. The surprising thing about Lombardy, which is not close to saturation, however, is the speed of growth in numbers. Just a week ago, for example, I had 134 in intensive care, in such a short time they have more than doubled. Among the regions in a less worrying situation are Veneto, with less than 12% of the positions in the medical area held by Covid patients, Friuli-Venezia Giulia (7.6) and the autonomous province of Trento (11). Even Emilia-Romagna, which had also been hit hard by the first wave, seems to hold up, with a bed occupancy rate below 20% in the medical area, and 119 intensive care patients out of the 635 available places (data generalized the other day by President Stefano Bonaccini), so the employment percentage is controlled for now, at 18.7 percent.
As for Rome, compared to Naples and Milan, the outlook is less serious, but difficulties are not lacking. In intensive care, throughout Lazio, 166 Covid patients, 22 percent of the available places; greater discomfort in the medical area (employment rate of 29.7 percent) and therefore new Covid-Centers are opening. The Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, explains: «We added 900 isolated medical area beds for Covid patients. We will use the entire Vannini hospital in Rome, with 146 seats, two modules of San Filippo Neri, 126. We are signing an agreement with a private structure for 160 beds, while the Biomedical Campus returns to this emergency. Finally, we want to create a Covid center at the Umberto I Polyclinic: the very old, very battered complex, with its many separate wards, is perfect to reserve a part for Covid patients. In Palestrina we will make another 40 beds ».
Last updated: 23:15