Domenico Minasola is a family doctor: infected, he is now hospitalized in intensive care. He sent a tough letter to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte
“Dear President Conte, I am a family doctor hospitalized in semi-intensive therapy with bilateral pneumonia: I don’t know if I will see my wife and children again“Thus begins the message of Domenico Minasola, 59-year-old family doctor from Padua, welcomed by the Republic and addressed to the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. “From this bed – he continues – I would like to tell you that you must remove those who have not been up to the task.”
Minasola has been in the hospital since Tuesday, November 24, probably infected during the many swabs that were performed. So heaccusation, addressed to Conte: “His collaborators did not understand that family doctors’ offices have become surgeries COVID-19. That is why they had to be protected with procedures and safety instructions that never came ”.
The doctor complains that they were not provided “tute me scafandro“, But only” masks and robes. ” Minasola would have liked “the organization by the Ministry of Health and the technical-scientific committee, which had to give us precise provisions on protection individual and not only to impose new measures on our clients ”.
The open letter, produced through messages WhatsApp, is accompanied by images taken with the smartphone, while Minasola is attached to the respirator: “I am one of many medici Victims of service, they have always taught me to respect institutions, but I am outraged by the behavior of their committees and commissioners who have met unprepared in this second wave of pandemic ”.
Then the outburst: “We have always had to organize the protection and sanitation of the clinics, but Why do I have to risk my life when there are those who spend the day commenting on the Rt index?“.
“I am addressing Conte – the bright – I hope your closeness and above all, act immediately: if something needs improvement, do it now. This is a battle that we must win and face together ”.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 11-29-2020 08:23
Photo Source: Ansa