Former mayor of Castelraimondo, a town he led for four terms, positions in the Mountain Community, now regional councilor of the League: Renzo Marinelli is a long-time local administrator and undoubtedly a lover of territorial and emotional roots. On the question of the emergency response, Covid 19 does not give trivial answers, from an electoral fiefdom. “They are concepts – says Marinelli- that I have always expressed, not from now on, as for the Covid hospital I have also highlighted on the occasion of the first wave.” So what do you think about the actions to be taken in the Macerata area? “The pandemic plan provides for Covid beds in Camerino, obviously not to bring the virus to Camerino but to prevent its spread: we are in an emergency situation and then we must act responsibly and take care of everyone. We can’t shut up and let people die: I don’t understand why barricades are being built now in Camerino when, on the occasion of the first wave, the decision to cede the hospital to Covid was accepted calmly. Now the situation is worse than a few months ago: temporarily converting the hospital to Covid does not mean closing it forever, on the contrary it should be a strong point to bring up the interior issue strongly when discussing the new health and social plan. To have you must also give, we must be in solidarity and overcome difficulties all together. If the Covid Hospital of Camerino represents the only possible solution, we must accept it in order to overcome the obstacles that affect the entire Marche region. Failure to follow up on the region’s pandemic plan could also put the Marches in the red zone. greatly worsening the situation of all Brands with the closure of all activities. We must not penalize everyone for a question of provincialism: we are talking about hospitals, the right to health that belongs to all, we must not be selfish. When the pandemic wave ends, we will strongly claim the right to have excellent services to be able to compete with other territories, to be attractive also to professionals. To achieve all this you have to act, not speak, do, not say.