Rome, October 11, 2020 – After the meeting of Scientific technical committee, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza talk about what’s new in view of the next Dpcm. “We hope that the signing of the new Dpcm will already be there tomorrow night – said the minister invited to ‘Che tempo che fa’ in Rai3 -. We are forced to tighten our shirts after weeks of measures that were widening. gear lever with specific interventions in some areas of greater risk to put the curve under control and not take tougher measures, and play ahead “.
First point, is stop at private parties: “There will be more controls – Speranza said -. For private parties. There are some essential things and some not.” The Government is willing to act to prevent the contagion curve from rising again: “We will act on the social gatherings – Speranza continued in his speech on television – and on the local hours”. Referring to some measures that will be compared with the regions, Speranza also announced interventions in sports where it is not possible to wear masks or maintain distance.
75% of infections occur in family relationships. Meetings and that is why private parties enter the viewer: “We lower our guard and take off our masks,” Speranza pointed out. The new anti-Covid rules that are coming are “national”. the Regions you will have the opportunity to act on more restrictive rules. The minister denied the prospect of a new blockade: “There are no conditions for any national blockade for any territory. We are in a phase change and we need to strengthen ties and in the Dpcm there will be a change of gear even with measures in areas more at risk Let’s try to play early to increase the level of attention. “
Theme proof antigenici me vaccinations: “5 million antigen tests are on the way – said Speranza -. They will be used in schools, we are working to try to open the opportunity for their use in general practitioners’ offices and this clearly could be a big step forward. 70% more vaccines against influenza were purchased in the regions and my invitation is to get vaccinated
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