Covid, Hope: Quick Tampons at the Pharmacy


During the meeting with the Regions, the Minister of Health announced the beginning of an experimentation phase

During the meeting with the Regions, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, affirmed that it will be possible to perform rapid swabs in pharmacies and announced the beginning of an experimentation phase. “Serological tests are already being done in pharmacies in some regions, let’s try to do an experiment as is happening in Trento to make antigenic products also in pharmacies.” Speaking of the Regions that requested a simplification of the follow-up measures, the Minister of Health agreed. “We have already reduced the quarantine to 10 days and eliminated the second buffer, we are ready to look for new specific areas of intervention,” he explained. Later, Speranza reiterated that the ministry is working on an agreement with general practitioners to ensure that they are the ones who perform the quick swabs that emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri is buying.

Roberto Speranza, Minister of Health, during the visit of the United States Ambassador to Italy Lewis Eisenberg at the Spallanzani Hospital, Rome, Italy, June 23, 2020. ANSA / RICCARDO ANTIMIANI
Minister of Health Roberto Speranza

The agreement with the doctors


Rapid tests for Covid-19: how accurate are they?

The agreement on rapid tests performed by family doctors is expected to materialize next week. According to what has been learned, the new legislation provides for the voluntary adherence of white coats and a possible contractual addition to the collective bargaining agreement for general practitioners. According to the policy law, this activity must be limited to the period of the influenza epidemic in the national territory to favor the differential diagnosis between the two diseases. It would also provide for the participation of free choice primary care physicians and pediatricians “to prevent the strengthening of these activities from affecting only the Public Health Departments.” The agreement, the document reads, establishes that the provision of tests also extends to professionals in other areas of affiliated medicine. The agreement also provides for the regulation of any economic recognition of the performance of rapid antigenic swabs by free choice primary care physicians and pediatricians, it being understood that for the rest of the professionals the remuneration for the activity is already included in the remuneration. hours of conventional activity.
